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  1. This account I got perm banned around 09 ish. They say almost 10 years then it will be unbanned, but trolls will be trolls.
  2. Don't think they deal with Macro bans anymore gf
  3. Absolutely stupid that he recovered the account back. Your friend is a scum bag.
  4. Lava Runes is fastest, but I hear Astrals are pretty good too with the new Stamina pots and if you're on Lunar spell book.
  5. Windows 7 ftw. Windows 8 crashed my other PC when I installed it x.x
  6. Bad luck man. Lucky for you it's just a 2 day. Be safe!
  7. Should update this man if you're still going at it. Gl though if you still are. Try & knock out the hard skills first ;)
  8. Guess that explains how my runite bot got gf'd. Must have gotten reported like 100 times. Made so much bank from that.
  9. I've seen this screenshot the other day from my buds on skype. Dude needs to cash out asap.
  10. I've got one now but It's not worth playing right now since none of the good games will come out until the end of 2014. Can't wait for the Halo Master Chief Collection
  11. I used Gary Hood's Auto Clicker for 93 mage and haven't been banned but I didn't leave it on overnight. Just did 1.8 click ratio and did a few 1000 alchs a day. It can get you banned though just be cautious.
  12. Rather have my arms be turned to cloth. Would you rather blind or deaf?
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