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Posts posted by dazeldo

  1.     private void lightFire() {
            if (standingOnFire()) {
                getEmptyPosition().ifPresent(position -> {
                    WalkingEvent walkingEvent = new WalkingEvent(position);
            } else if (!"Tinderbox".equals(getInventory().getSelectedItemName())) {
            } else if (getInventory().getItem("Logs").interact()) {
                Position playerPos = myPosition();
                Sleep.sleepUntil(() -> !myPosition().equals(playerPos), 10_000, 600);
        private boolean standingOnFire() {
            return getObjects().singleFilter(getObjects().getAll(), obj -> obj.getPosition().equals(myPosition()) && obj.getName().equals("Fire")) != null;
        private Optional<Position> getEmptyPosition() {
            List<Position> allPositions = myPlayer().getArea(10).getPositions();
            // Remove any position with an object (except ground decorations, as they can be walked on)
            for (RS2Object object : getObjects().getAll()) {
                if (object instanceof GroundDecoration) {
                allPositions.removeIf(position -> object.getPosition().equals(position));
            allPositions.removeIf(position -> !getMap().canReach(position));
            return allPositions.stream().min(Comparator.comparingInt(p -> myPosition().distance(p)));

    Take a look at this! From @Explv's AIO.

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  2. I created accounts like this:


    email+1@gmail.com, email+2@gmail.com


    It sent me the links for confirming the email, but not the links for unlocking. Did Jagex change something? I tried verifying before lock too, didn't work. Any ideas?


    EDIT: lol I'm stupid, didn't even check spam inbox since other emails came straight to inbox.

  3. On 4/2/2019 at 12:40 AM, Impensus said:

    How much of your farm have you got integrated?



    I've got a working account creator, semi-working account unlocker, moneymaking script (Tutorial island + 7qp included), muling script. Been working on it for a while, takes a long time since I didn't have much experience at all when I began this journey. I'm currently trying to get everything setup nicely before actually starting my farm, mostly working on database support right now. Hit me up if you're stuck on something and I may be able to help.

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