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Everything posted by Hokage

  1. Got an actual job, barely have the motivation to play 1hr every couple of days.
  2. https://gyazo.com/beabc97649cf1a62c590dc43f33e8d19.png https://gyazo.com/b2651a6f34c3ef130d2d2c735e0232ff.png https://gyazo.com/2720b11513e8f96c454ce8f4db152fe0.png https://gyazo.com/0372d4a688b1b669d4e7508d05e469c5.png OO no bans (never botted) username login Nearly base 90 stats Achievement cape Quest cape BLOODHOUND PET HELLPUPPY PET CHOMPY CHICK PET ZULRAH PET ELITE VOID/ALL SKILLING OUTFITS(without farming) account has no wealth.
  3. lol, GOT IT BUDDY. no need to rub it in
  4. fair enough thnx guys. I think i got my quote
  5. Thanks for the quotes guys, you think it can reach around 750m?
  6. Thanks man Yeah basically quitting rs finally, have about 1b bank to sell once i get a serious offer.
  7. https://gyazo.com/beabc97649cf1a62c590dc43f33e8d19 https://gyazo.com/b2651a6f34c3ef130d2d2c735e0232ff OO no bans (never botted) username login Nearly base 90 stats Achievement cape Quest cape BLOODHOUND PET HELLPUPPY PET CHOMPY CHICK PET ELITE VOID/ALL SKILLING OUTFITS(without farming)
  8. Hi cutie, i specialise in these requests. Hit me up on skype down below.
  9. I need someone to do ~85-95 hunter on an extremely high leveled account -Don't bother posting if you don't have at least 50+ feedback -Private hunter cave is unlocked -You can keep chins -Please leave your gp/xp below/pm/or Skype -Might leave a deposit with an MM in case of any issues -Preferably completed within 1-2 weeks
  10. Not currently doing quests unfortunately, can do the angler outfit though
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