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    United States
  • Interests
    CSGO - Global 13.2 rws
    Retired COD Pro

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  1. Is there a timetable on when the script will be fully functional again?
  2. Only issues I have encountered since new update is that it can't turn prayers off and pick up the loot after a kill.
  3. Very nice script am loving it so far. Already got my first fang drop! Would recommend!
  4. you can also just add a period in between the letters of the email like notar.sbot@@gmail.com and all the emails will be sent to notarsbot@@gmail.com you can also sign in and activate the account you will just have to type the period in the location it belongs for each account. With long name emails this can create several accounts with one email. You can also still change the emails of the accounts after.
  5. Hello, I am Bhisaboss pretty new to modern botting. I use to bot back in 2007 when you could bot for endless hours and get no ban. I am here to learn more slowly work my accounts up. Any tips on evading bans are greatly appreciated.
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