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Everything posted by shepsta

  1. @Czar Do we have an eta on demonics? I know you've been busy patching other bits (which are working great now) but im looking forward to that one!
  2. Most people use runelite now days which shows your stats on the left side of the screen.. very common for the majority of players to know when to pot without looking at stats panel
  3. Same for me, no luck but still rocking 264.1
  4. Latest update seems to have messed with spec.. usually you'll need to tick spec on main screen, then add main weapon and spec weapon in the misc. tab.. then i add all my armour pieces in the armour tab, not sure if that matters though - thats been working for me
  5. The new spec when health is under % doesnt seem to be working @Czar, i ticked the option on an old profile.. would i need to create a new profile for it to work? Speaking of profiles.. is there anyway of deleting old ones? End up with 3-4 for each monster/location as i like to fine tune ahha Edit: Spec doesnt work whether the above option is checked or not
  6. Epic as always! Listens to his users and implements suggested options! A* Czar
  7. None of the above ticked. Fightzone used yeah. Never used to do it, maybe some of the updates you've done lately has affected it?
  8. Noticed something with selecting the next monster to kill.. it has stopped recognising that a monster is already in combat and constantly stands there clicking it when someone else is killing it. Noticed it at several different (slayer) locations. Also noticed it tries to attack monsters that havent been added to the kill list... just seems to attack the nearest monster regardless of what it is. (noticed this in the slayer tower dungeon, was killing abyssal demons and constantly tried to attack the nearby nech).
  9. Second that, great scripter
  10. I meant is there a possibility of adding an option of only speccing when my characters hp is below a certain %, as to use the sgs spec more efficiently. Noone uses sgs when full hp so could look slightly suspicious
  11. Should it work on cave kraken? (the small ones) Tried a few different settings, cant get it to attack the whirlpools
  12. I have a request regarding SGS spec. Could you add an option to only spec under a certain % player hp? As soon as i start a task it blasts the 2 specs out (which noone does :P) then obviously just specs when it hits 50%, even if hp is 100%. TY in advance!! Edit: Noticed something at gargoyles also; it doesnt always pick up the loot.. took me a while to figure out why, but its when you use the rock hammer early (under 10hp but not completely red bar) to kill it, it doesnt think its your loot, and when 'only loot my targets' is checked (which it always is for me to stop it running over to other peoples loots), it leaves it.
  13. Thanks czar! Can confirm specs now work! Switches to sgs, specs then reequips weapon and shield. Also recognises the 50% spec, nice work thanks again!
  14. Hey @Czar just logged on today and the looting system seems to be messed up. My profiles' loot has all jumbled up (eg easy clue scroll now says crystal shield and totem pieces all say null) and all the icons dont match up. It's also missing a lot of loot on the ground (i have it pick up over 1k and its leaving rune items). Just thought id let you know before you push 261!
  15. Theres an option on the very first tab you need to check too, but i believe hes working on specs atm as ive been having troubles too (with switching weapons)
  16. Theres an option "only loot my targets" in the loot tab
  17. Tried the sgs spec: it equips sgs, specs once, reequips shield then continues to kick/punch. I've always had the primary weapon box filled in correctly. Not sure whats going wrong!
  18. Just tested still only specs once then just equips shield! It doesnt attempt to equip the weapon at all, straight to shield after 1 spec. I've tried volcanic whip and regular whip in case it didnt like the volcanic.
  19. Used this script 300+ hours on one account- you're doing something wrong. @Czar Feedback for the special attacking: Now only equips the shield after speccing, same settings as before. Also doesn't recognise the spec %, using sgs obviously can spec twice from 100%, only ever once then waits til 100% (wait til 100% spec unchecked)
  20. Also noticed when looting stackable items like runes, the loot tracker thinks you've picked up the whole stack in your inventory every time, rather than the small amount on the ground. Not essential but throws the gp/h out when it thinks im looting 100's of runes each pickup when its only like 10!
  21. Struggling with special attacks.. it changes to spec wep then specs once then hovers over my shield and never re-equips, carries on using spec as a main, please advise? Using volcanic whip with dragonfire shield, sgs as spec weapon. (tried normal whip and dragon defender, same outcome)
  22. @Czar Can confirm bot now ignores death spawns at nechs with the "Dont retaliate to combat" checked, thanks czar!
  23. The 'Dont retaliate to other npcs' option doesnt seem to be working, killing nechs and it always kills the death spawn afterwards.
  24. Hey @Czar, any update on demonic gorilla progression? Really looking forward to that one
  25. To reply to your reply, i always run 'eat for loot' but picks other peoples loot up (can run fairly far just to do it, kinda bot like) so tried to run 'only loot my target' to prevent that, but seems to cancel eat for loot out. Doesnt eat to pick up loot at all.
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