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Posts posted by dieg0

  1. Im wondering how much this acc is worth.

    I've currently made an account which has the following stats:

    50 att
    50 str
    1 def
    56 range
    67 magic ( potted 71 magic so ice burst works )
    15 prayer

    32 hp

    42 combat.

    Dt done
    Mith gloves Done
    ava's Done

    Everything is done by hand.

  2. 11 hours ago, Pogba said:

    I have an ironman which would be nice to have the quests done on

    Depends if you have all the items, i could do DT for you. but you'd need some stamina or energy potions aswell. ( think you can do the requirements then ill just finish )

    11 hours ago, tehgousch said:

    wasnt being sarcastic at all, mith gloves quested is like 10m, and dt without prayer is like 10m

    Oh okay thank you, And what about if i train combat stats higher ?

    • Like 1
  3. 3 hours ago, Pogba said:

    Who did your quests? :o

    What do you mean ? The quests are very easy. 
    Its all done by myself do you need help doing quests ?
    Only hard part is the legit grind 1-53 thieving and ice boss. 

    But i used a friend to do all the blocking so fairly easy.

    6 hours ago, tehgousch said:

    amazing account, probably 20-30m

    not sure if you are being sarcastic with the amazing part.

    Would the account be more worth if i stayed 31 hp got 50 att and 70 str with 82 magic ?

    Because now the account is pretty much open to anything anyone wants.

  4. I'm wondering how much this account would be worth.

    combat 35, 1 def.

    43 range

    52 magic



    ( ava's will be unlocked soon. )

    dt is done + mith gloves.

    3days old no email attached.

    everything is hand done by myself.

  5. Progressive mode doesnt work =/

    when the inventory does not havee nough planks it keeps standing still and nothing happens.

    maybe add in progressive mode using phials? had to restart 4 times allready and not even 10 construction.


    [DEBUG][01/14 02:20:20 PM]: Launching script...
    [iNFO][bot #1][01/14 02:20:21 PM]: Loaded 2 built-in random solvers!
    [iNFO][bot #1][01/14 02:20:21 PM]: Succesfully loaded Areas
    [iNFO][bot #1][01/14 02:20:21 PM]: Succesfully loaded randomizing pattern
    [iNFO][bot #1][01/14 02:20:21 PM]: Succesfully loaded failsafe
    [iNFO][bot #1][01/14 02:20:21 PM]: Succesfully loaded Dialogues
    [iNFO][bot #1][01/14 02:20:21 PM]: Succesfully loaded Cases
    [iNFO][bot #1][01/14 02:20:21 PM]: Succesfully loaded gStrings
    [iNFO][bot #1][01/14 02:20:21 PM]: Succesfully loaded Cursor
    [iNFO][bot #1][01/14 02:20:21 PM]: Succesfully loaded Objects
    [iNFO][bot #1][01/14 02:20:21 PM]: Succesfully loaded Teleport Tabs
    [iNFO][bot #1][01/14 02:20:21 PM]: Succesfully loaded Teleports
    [iNFO][bot #1][01/14 02:20:21 PM]: Everything is ready, Goodluck gaining!
    [iNFO][01/14 02:20:21 PM]: Started script : AIO Construction
    [iNFO][bot #1][01/14 02:25:11 PM]: Antiban sleep
    the status keeps showing : making object.
  6. Loving the script. only thing thats bothering me is, is when i try to start shadow of the storm.

    it says i need a p++ weapon, i bought a rune dagger p++ but it does not reconizge it. bare in mind, that i did load the new gear.

    any way to fix this?


    ( maybe add in the pre-quests needed for DT. so i can start a quested pure farm :P ) 

    • Like 1
  7. I have a suggestion, add in "sea slug" quest which gives way above 20 fishing. which removes the hassle for players to train fishing. ( faster to do this quest then to get fishing )


    Could i get an Auth?

  8. Maybe you should add in break between 1.5-2hours.

    or dont start botting on mondays ( dont know if this is a haux or not they say in weekend its the best time to bot )


    Or just start with some easy quests, like doric's which you can finish in 15sec and there are more quests like these which can be done in f2p.

    to make it seem like you are more legit? Dont know if this helps. but whenever i quested a lot on pures they tended to stay alive longer.

  9. i think i used 8k cballs going 1-50 range so.... 1-60 would probably be like 20k so like 3.8m-4m gp investment on cballs (if this helps).



    think most people would just cannon to 40, range guild to 60. (botting)



    You can enter range guild at 33 range with ranging pot. and then just start doing the minigame.

    which takes like 3-5k cballs max depends where you trained.

  10. Question, i saw a few people mage only Zulrah at like 40-50 combat using only trident to kill it,. Is it possible to do that with this script.

    ( so skipping zulrah's mage fase and safespotting)


    ( dont give me a trial yet since my stats arent worthy enough to even try it xd ) 

  11. For crafting lvl up during flax spin it works. but for magic it stays the same. maybe just let it keep pressing "space bar" when you lvl up for a few secs? because when you are lvl 76, lvls dont go so fast. I dont know just thinking out loud.

    • Like 1
  12. I think jagex might've made an secret update.

    because when it lvls it stops. You need to click the lvl animation, you cant keep spamming the spell ( atleast voor flax, lunar spell )


    [iNFO][bot #1][12/26 10:55:02 AM]: Casting directly from click area!
    [iNFO][bot #1][12/26 10:55:04 AM]: Casting directly from click area!
    [iNFO][bot #1][12/26 10:55:06 AM]: Casting directly from click area!
    [iNFO][bot #1][12/26 10:55:08 AM]: Animation received, new [4413]
    [iNFO][bot #1][12/26 10:55:08 AM]: Gained exp, incrementing flax spell count, currently: [0]
    [iNFO][bot #1][12/26 10:55:09 AM]: Casting directly from click area!

    [iNFO][bot #1][12/26 10:55:07 AM]: Casting directly from click area!

    [iNFO][bot #1][12/26 10:55:10 AM]: Casting directly from click area!
    [iNFO][bot #1][12/26 10:55:12 AM]: Casting from click area... [OPENED TAB]
    [iNFO][bot #1][12/26 10:55:13 AM]: Animation received, new [4413]
    [iNFO][bot #1][12/26 10:55:13 AM]: Gained exp, incrementing flax spell count, currently: [0]
    [iNFO][bot #1][12/26 10:55:14 AM]: Casting directly from click area!
    [iNFO][bot #1][12/26 10:55:16 AM]: Casting directly from click area!
    had to manually click the lvl message to be able to continue. think if thats added in it should work fully.
    • Like 1
  13. Really loving the script ! after 1.5 hours alrdy 52 con. ( going for 69 currently )

    Only thing i've noticed when i go normal mode and use tabs + castle wars. or teleport.

    it keeps entering ( i've put my teleport at outside house ) and teleporting.


    sometimes it exits and re-enters even though it has enough supplies.

    Using phials works amasing great script!


    ( something that might speed it up even more is using the house tab and then exit house from there.

    • Like 1
  14. I can say its a great way to train ranged.

    i went from 55 to 64 and still no cape xd.


    all jokes aside, very nice script. except sometimes it says state unknown. U keep getting attacked and drinking pots but dont move at all.

    The work around is babysitting the script.


    And something i've noticed is. it will run around map a few times even thou it has most monsters safespotted. this wasted supplies brews and super restore. trying to retrap the 360. ( when you run you sometimes get hit by melee or ranged etc. )

    im 70 def and using verac + max range bonus. i can get.


    edit: sometimes it kills the low lvl 22 blabs first, while they are very easy to tank. this wastes prayer is there a way to kill them last?

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