To start I'm new to java but I"m trying my best to learn as best I can.
I'm currently working on a script that when you spawn in the instance you have a different location every time.
( some of you might know what I'm doing ahah )
I haven't been able to find any really suitable walking guides/snippets that fit into the specific needs I have.
I need to be able to put in in :
1) Start X
2) Start Y
3) Choose 4 position the map to get me around -35 Y, X doesn't really matter.
Current bit of code I was using to get the job done.
as I said its crude as I just haven't been able to get anything else to work as I need it to.
Any suggestions / code snippets I could use to improve on my talking method
Any help/tips/pointers would be appreciated.
while (count < 4){
startY-= 9;
Area MONSTERS = new Area(startX, startY, startX, startY);