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  1. In This case its not for sale. I just wanted People to give me a honest answer for How Much a char like This would go for.
  2. I never said its worth 1b. I said even if I was OFFERED 1b I wouldnt sell it. And yes it takes much time to train
  3. Thanks m8. I know it pretty funny some people say its only worth 100-150... I wouldnt even sell him if I was offered 1b honestly.. If you go make a account like this you see how much time it takes, its hard with 1 def. I just wanted to hear people being honest about how much a char like this is worth..
  4. ^^ I am never going to sell this account, I just want to hear how much it would go for.. I've spend so many many hours training this account. 100m is way to low :p
  5. Probaly around 30-45m
  6. Fuck i forgot to hide my name, its edited now, thanks for telling :p
  7. Hey Guys. I want you to price check my acc. He is NOT for sale, but I want to know how much a char like this would go for. It took me a while to get those stats :p EVERY level is legit, never been on a bot on this char.
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