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The Devil

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  1. That's great to hear Stealth mode has come a long way and is always being developed. Mirror mode has limited/non-existent development. This is just last I heard from around January, things may have changed though.
  2. Hey, don't use mirror. Stealth is your best option at the moment. Is your client running at Fixed resolution? Resizable wont work. I had someone have a similar issue to the inventory slot stuff and they were running on resizable.
  3. When stuck in the general store, did you have either 1gp or a hammer in your inventory?
  4. I think you jinxed me. I just ran into this issue for the first time now too. I'll add Lamp checks in every script now I guess XD
  5. Interesting. Why would it have ever received an xp lamp though? lol
  6. Maybe in the future but for now I'm more focused on taking care of any script breaking bugs and adding new features before going back to make any optimizations.
  7. Did you disable user inputs within the CLI? As I know right now. Breaks work when started manually and the correct user input is selected. Breaks should work with CLI if you don't disable user inputs. I don't use CLI so not 100% if this is true, but wouldn't know why it wouldn't be. Breaks with bot managers aren't supported until I learn how to use profiles.
  8. There are 4 different breaks and each have a bit of variability with their times. The bot will run IIRC between 40 mins to 1h30min Then it will roll for either a short, medium or long break. short = 10 mins medium = 25 mins long = 1 hour After 16 hours total time after starting the script it will take an 8 hour "sleep" break
  9. If I'm not mistaken all SF scripts support CLI. Try the arguments generator. For the script name use DFCMASTERSCRIPT.txt
  10. Devils F2P Completionist Warning!! This script is intended to be ran on fresh accounts straight off tutorial island! All tools from tutorial Island are needed! Current Features Cooks Assistant Doric's Quest Sheep Shearer Melee Chickens until base 10's then kills cows and tans their hides. Base 50's supported and then will no longer switch attack styles. Mining Fishing/Cooking Does not restock when out of feathers from getting base 10's on chickens. Ends ~50+ fishing. Woodcutting/Firemaking To Do Feather restocking Expand melee training locations Expand Woodcuting/Firemaking locations More quests Add currently unsupported skills Known Bugs Sometimes breaks line up in the middle of a task switch. If you find yourself afking at a bank try manually opening the bank and it should fix itself.** **Should be fixed but hasn't been fully tested yet.** Shopping for P2 wasn't written very well and can break at this point.
  11. I'm trying to create a bunch of new accounts but it looks like jagex is only allowing me 2 accounts per ip every couple hours. I've been away so this is new to me right now. Any way around this besides buying even more proxies?
  12. I'm assembling a team to create hand made accounts for an account shop I am preparing. The plan is start with tut island accounts and maybe some other low value accounts like air orbers until I have enough rep to sell higher value accounts. (suggestions welcome ) All accounts by my team will be hand made, so I'm really only worried about the best practices to make sure an account doesn't get locked/banned after I make a sale. Currently the only plan I have is to provide US proxies to my team and hope for the best.
  13. Ryan has a point. Is there any specific reason other than xp that a wildy agility script is needed? I'll make it if people will use it lol. Brimhaven is a little too complicated to do for free.
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