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  1. Server available on: North America I can boost up to gold 5. I can play normal games to get rid of chat restrictions or leaverbuster queue timers. My main account is Plat 4 currently, peaked plat 1, promos to diamond.
  2. Server: NA Rank: Peaked plat 1 for a few months, currently plat 4 Experience: Played around 3000 games across all of my accounts. Have you used scripts: Never Do you still use scripts: Nope Exceling role(s): Jungle/Mid Boosting up until: Gold 5 Time available (EST): 2pm-10pm on weekdays, All Day on the weekends. How long have you played for: Since season 3, around aatrox release. Would you be willing to spectate a random game with me and give me a rundown pre-promotion? ( Not required): Not sure what this means, could you elaborate? Fill out using 10 - 50 words. What makes you more qualified than the other applicants: I've played a lot of games (2000+ ranked games) throughout my time playing league of legends and I feel extremely confident that I am able to boost to gold 5 without any problems, I have friends that I've boosted to gold for free without any problems and I believe they could vouch for me if asked. When a loss occurs during a boost, what should you do? Unfortunately there are some games where sometimes people will afk/dc and there will be an inevitable loss but that should happen rarely and that will not effect me completing the order. Hi, I'm Asuna, your fearless leader. If you disagree with me on something, how do you go about it: If I happen to disagree with you on something, I'll let you know why I disagree and see if there is something we can do about it. Tell me about yourself: I'm 18 years old, currently in my last year of highschool and I'm trying to make some side cash to help pay for a car so I can get a real job. I'm not very good at many things but I really enjoy playing league of legends and even though I'm not a very good player I am confident that I can boost to gold 5 without a sweat. Just realized you aren't taking any more applications for North American Servers, if anything happens and you need another booster for this region please let me know, Thanks in advance!
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