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Trotse Soesie

Trade With Caution
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About Trotse Soesie

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  1. did some more quests for me trusted 20m a+++

  2. What do you mean by base 50 stats?
  3. 4M is the total. It would take couple hours.
  4. It was 4M 07 not 40M. The service for Regicide and prequests were a total of 5,5M. I did 2x Plague's city and Biohazard that was like 1M because that was 500K for that 2 quests each. Than I have completed just on 1 acc Underground pas. The other account has been done by someone else. The price for underground was 3m and the price for regicide 2. But i didnt complete the quest regicide. I still had to do it. He said after his ban i can do that quest than he ignored about that payment.
  5. I didn't scam I said it already to you.. U are blaming me for scamming. I don't even logged in on the site. Before you blaming me after your account was banned from some kind of reason. https://gyazo.com/509988deb70137f8d02afaf11223accf The reason I removed the name from the community is because it was unnecessary. I can show you where I'm a moderator that shows me the mods with a confirm. You haven't even proof that it was me He still owe me 4M 07 for the quests that I did for him.
  6. I can do this for 5M My skype: mrmocroboy (watch out for the person with the . at the end) also added you on Skype.
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