Fill out
Server: NA
Rank: d1 currently / challenger in s5
Experience?:boosting for 4 yrs, over 1500 accounts
Have you used scripts:no
Do you still use scripts:no
Exceling role(s):play everything
Boosting up until:challenger
Time available (EST): 11am est - 3am est
How long have you played for:since draven release, middle of s2
Would you be willing to spectate a random game with me and give me a rundown pre-promotion? ( Not required): yes
What makes you more qualified than the other applicants: I have more boosting experience then everyone else combined.
When a loss occurs during a boost, what should you do?: Keep playing until the order is finished
Hi, I'm Asuna, your fearless leader. If you disagree with me on something, how do you go about it: Msg you about the issue.
Tell me about yourself: Im in university and im boosting to pay off tuition, i'm really good at league but not to the point where i am able to go pro.