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  1. I read the part about the dynamic trap setup but I am a little confused. Is there any way to make it to have the bot have a different setup than just the square? I don't have 80 hunter so its just 4 corners. But I want to have a different setup. I am talking about box traps btw and red chins. Thx
  2. Could you tell us if there is an update coming to red salamanders? I think thats faster xp than chins and way lower ban rate. I just wanna get 80 hunter for my ironman. Thanks
  3. Quick question. What is the extra check box under hunting red chins? I can only read the first like 3 words about mouse something. Its in red text and then it gets cut off. Could you tell me what it is and what it does? Thanks
  4. Yes I am running in mirror mode and after I have already logged in. I will try injection in a bit I am just worried about getting hit with the ban hammer on my ironman. I just don't want to grind out 83 hunter by myself :P
  5. I just bought VIP so I could use mirror mode and ProjectPact's AIO hunter. When I get in and click on start script from the script selection it brings up the script UI and I get insane lag on the osrs client, mirror, and the GUI and the logger to where I can't click on anything at all. Nothing works. But it doesn't crash. I have to ctrl alt del to even close it. I am pretty new to this but I uninstalled and reinstalled osbot and java 64. I managed to read some of the logger but I couldn't read it all as it is frozen and I couldn't even copy and paste. It said something like ERROR BOT #1 Caught thread death in random executor. Restart java.ang.IncompatibleClassChangeError at org.osbot.rs07.apti.util.NodeDequeIteratorG.<init> (aj:154) And it keeps going on about at org.osbot.rs07.apti.model and then that but .randoms Seems to be something about random events? Is this script specific? No one else seemed to have this problem in the thread. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  6. I just bought VIP and your script to get 83 hunter on my ironman. I followed all the instructions and when I launch the script in mirror mode. Both the mirror and the osrs client lag out really hard. The UI where I set up the hunting script pops up and I can click Net Trap but then it lags so hard I can't even choose red salamanders. I tried uninstalling both the bot and unistalling and reinstalling java 64 bit. Same thing happens every time. I can't even hit run. Everything freezes and is so laggy but it doesn't actually crash. But the only way I can close it is ctrl alt del. Any ideas would be appreciated Edit: added screenshot of logger. Please help I just spent $20 and I haven't used the bot for 1 minute. I don't think its the script because no one else seems to have problems but what can I do to fix it?
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