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The Viking

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  1. Not only are your percentages completely anecdotal and have no actual proof to back them up, but the "example" you gave is a complete exaggeration and misrepresentation of my point. If you would bother to do some actual research, you would see that your claim is way off. Far cry from the "1%" number you gave. Source: https://github.com/outsideris/popularconvention (Somebody analyzed code conventions across commits on GitHub) You're once again off base with your statement that "you are introducing inconsistencies in other people's code base by not respecting the dominant code-style.". What about the 37% of people that use new line braces? Are you introducing inconsistencies into their code base if you release a snippet? No, because they should adjust it to fit with their own preference. I wouldn't consider that a difficult task. As long as they are consistent within their own code-base, it doesn't matter which style they use. This is even true at the corporate level, where conventions can vary from company to company. For example, brace placement, tabs vs spaces, line length, variable naming and exception catch clauses (empty catch blocks, swallowing exceptions) are just some of the nuances that can vary from company to company. It isn't a problem though, since their specific rules apply to their specific code base.
  2. Callable was only implemented due to a suggestion above, and this was before I knew BooleanSupplier even existed. I will update the thread to use BooleanSupplier instead. Your comment on brace placement is completely subjective. I really hope you won't try to argue otherwise. Sure, there is a 1997 article our there where Oracle states that braces on the same line is the convention, however it's pretty much universally known as a personal choice (as long as you're consistent). Thank you for the feedback however, I really do appreciate it.
  3. Very nice, this has been implemented! Wasn't aware of the Callable interface until now. Thank you!
  4. OVERVIEW With this snippet, you can avoid writing in-line anonymous classes for wait conditions. This makes code cleaner and speeds up development time. Before, you would have to do this: new ConditionalSleep(5000){ @ Override public boolean condition() throws InterruptedException { return !myPlayer().isMoving(); } }.sleep(); Now you can do this: Timing.waitCondition(() -> !myPlayer().isMoving(), 5000); Or, if you want to specify cycle time for checking condition: Timing.waitCondition(() -> !myPlayer().isMoving(), 600, 5000); IMPLEMENTATION Add my Timing class w/ static util methods to your API package viking.api; import java.util.function.BooleanSupplier; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import org.osbot.rs07.utility.ConditionalSleep; /** * Static utility class with various methods that are related * to time / timing. * * @author The Viking * */ public class Timing { /** * Calculates the time, in ms, from a specific mark * * @param mark The initial time mark we're calculating from * @return The time, in ms, from the provided mark */ public static long timeFromMark(long mark) { return System.currentTimeMillis() - mark; } /** * Returns the current time in ms. Essentially just a shorter * wrapper for System.currentTimeMillis() * * @return The current time, in ms */ public static long currentMs() { return System.currentTimeMillis(); } /** * Converts a time, in ms, to a pretty String in hh:mm:ss:SSS format * * @param ms The time, in ms, to convert * @return A string representing the current time */ public static String msToString(long ms) { return String.format("%02d:%02d:%02d", TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toHours(ms), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toMinutes(ms) % TimeUnit.HOURS.toMinutes(1), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(ms) % TimeUnit.MINUTES.toSeconds(1)); } /** * This method waits for a specific condition * to be true within a maximum amount of time. Your * basic conditional sleep. This method uses the BooleanSupplier functional interface, so it provides lambda support * * @param condition the condition to wait for * @param cycleTime the time, in ms, between condition checks * @param timeout the maximum time to wait for the condition to be true * @return true if the condition was met within the threshold, or false if the timeout was exceeded */ public static boolean waitCondition(BooleanSupplier condition, int cycleTime, int timeout) { return new ConditionalSleep(timeout, cycleTime) { @Override public boolean condition() { try { return condition.getAsBoolean(); } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return false; } }.sleep(); } /** * This method waits for a specific condition to be true within a maximum amount of time. Your * basic conditional sleep. This method uses the BooleanSupplier functional interface, so it provides lambda support * * @param condition the condition to wait for * @param timeout the maximum time to wait for the condition to be true * @return true if the condition was met within the threshold, or false if the timeout was exceeded */ public static boolean waitCondition(BooleanSupplier condition, int timeout) { return waitCondition(condition, 20, timeout); } }
  5. Good luck! Hard work forever pays!!
  6. RS update just came out today, which broke some hooks in the client. Just have to wait for the devs to fix it.
  7. Extremely useful. Thank you for this!
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