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Everything posted by cleganebowl

  1. I should have specified: the issue we were talking about regarding the WC script. Seems like you've already gotten that taken care of though. Really appreciate how quick you've been to respond and address any issues. Thanks a ton, Khaleesi
  2. My bad, hopefully this screenshot is more insightful. I also noticed it entered the building, but then clicked 'past' the bank chest, causing me to run back outside around the building. [DEBUG][08/20 07:12:29 PM]: Loading script id : 569 [DEBUG][08/20 07:12:29 PM]: Loaded script! [DEBUG][08/20 07:12:29 PM]: Launching script... [INFO][Bot #1][08/20 07:12:29 PM]: [Break Manager] After botting for 138 minute(s), you will break for 8 minute(s). [INFO][Bot #1][08/20 07:12:29 PM]: Loaded 5 built-in random solvers! [INFO][Bot #1][08/20 07:12:29 PM]: Welcome to Khal AIO Woodcutter [INFO][Bot #1][08/20 07:12:29 PM]: Loaded font [INFO][08/20 07:12:29 PM]: Started script : Khal AIO Woodcutter [WARN][Bot #1][08/20 07:47:13 PM]: Event executor is taking too long to suspend; terminating now... [INFO][Bot #1][08/20 07:47:14 PM]: Started random solver : Dismiss Random [INFO][Bot #1][08/20 07:47:16 PM]: Solved Rick Turpentine dismissal random. [INFO][Bot #1][08/20 07:47:16 PM]: Random solver exited : Dismiss Random [WARN][Bot #1][08/20 07:52:23 PM]: Event executor is taking too long to suspend; terminating now... [INFO][Bot #1][08/20 07:52:23 PM]: Started random solver : Auto Login [INFO][Bot #1][08/20 07:52:29 PM]: Random solver exited : Auto Login [WARN][Bot #1][08/20 07:52:38 PM]: Event executor is taking too long to suspend; terminating now... [INFO][Bot #1][08/20 07:52:38 PM]: Started random solver : Welcome Screen [INFO][Bot #1][08/20 07:52:41 PM]: Random solver exited : Welcome Screen The script didn't seem to be doing anything and the antiban also seems to stop doing anything, though the random dismissal did work properly. 5 minutes after the random, I was logged out for inactivity. After automatically logging back in, the script still appears to be stuck. The building the bank chest is in does not have any closable doors. Oh and as for my script/OSBot options: Anti-ban - Enabled (set at default value) Draw models - Enabled Breaks - Enabled (128 minute bot / 8 minute break) Randomize bot/break time - Enabled Dismiss all randoms - Enabled If you need anything else, I'm happy to help.
  3. Finished my first run with this: 4.16 hrs with ~16 minutes of breaks and at least one random logout that it recovered from flawlessly. PS. I'll grab a screenshot of the pathing issue I ran into for ya soon.
  4. Took a bit longer this time, but here's a picture: This time I do see something in the log: [DEBUG][08/20 11:22:24 AM]: Loading script id : 569 [DEBUG][08/20 11:22:24 AM]: Loaded script! [DEBUG][08/20 11:22:24 AM]: Launching script... [INFO][Bot #1][08/20 11:22:24 AM]: [Break Manager] After botting for 130 minute(s), you will break for 8 minute(s). [INFO][Bot #1][08/20 11:22:24 AM]: Loaded 5 built-in random solvers! [INFO][Bot #1][08/20 11:22:24 AM]: Welcome to Khal AIO Woodcutter [INFO][Bot #1][08/20 11:22:24 AM]: Loaded font [INFO][08/20 11:22:24 AM]: Started script : Khal AIO Woodcutter [ERROR][Bot #1][08/20 11:57:50 AM]: Failed to wrap : class client.TW java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not initiate wrapper : RS2Widget at org.osbot.core.api.Wrapper.wrap(gn:212) at org.osbot.rs07.api.Widgets.getWidgets(pj:149) at org.osbot.rs07.api.Widgets.isVisible(pj:129) at org.osbot.rs07.api.Bank.isOpen(bf:416) at org.osbot.rs07.api.Bank$2.condition(bf:421) at org.osbot.rs07.utility.ConditionalSleep.sleep(nn:130) at org.osbot.rs07.api.Bank.open(bf:541) at org.khal.woodcutter.e.NuL.E(a:42) at org.khal.woodcutter.e.cON.E(g:7) at org.khal.woodcutter.KhalWoodcutter.onLoop(q:194) at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor$InternalExecutor.run(hn:248) at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source) [ERROR][Bot #1][08/20 12:05:50 PM]: Failed to wrap : class client.TW java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not initiate wrapper : RS2Widget at org.osbot.core.api.Wrapper.wrap(gn:212) at org.osbot.rs07.api.Widgets.getWidgets(pj:149) at org.osbot.rs07.api.Widgets.isVisible(pj:129) at org.osbot.rs07.api.Bank.isOpen(bf:416) at org.osbot.rs07.api.Bank$2.condition(bf:421) at org.osbot.rs07.utility.ConditionalSleep.sleep(nn:130) at org.osbot.rs07.api.Bank.open(bf:541) at org.khal.woodcutter.e.NuL.E(a:42) at org.khal.woodcutter.e.cON.E(g:7) at org.khal.woodcutter.KhalWoodcutter.onLoop(q:194) at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor$InternalExecutor.run(hn:248) at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
  5. Running this at the Barb Outpost, it seems to get stuck behind the Barbarian Assault building while trying to bank at seemingly random intervals. There aren't any exceptions being thrown in the log, but I'll start the script up and take a screenshot when it happens again. Edit: Even more strange, it's now just sitting by the door down to BA instead of banking.
  6. An hour in and I'm averaging 27k exp/h @ 60 mining. I'm sold - looking at some of your other scripts now as well. Thanks for the quick reply
  7. I'd like to give this a trial run
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