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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by kunkku

  1. kunkku

    Buying pure

    As hes OO i want him to be reasonable if you get the account back.
  2. kunkku

    Buying pure

    Might be intrested if the price is right. We have to confirm the OO also i want to ask him if hes reasonable if acc gets recorveryed
  3. kunkku

    Buying pure

    added What cb the acc is and does it have melee helm too?
  4. kunkku

    Buying pure

    Must be trusted 50+ fb Edited by kunkku, Today, 04:27 AM.
  5. kunkku

    Buying pure

    MUST 1/13/31 prayer 50/60 atk 70 + str Must also have range or magic and dt done Budjet 50-70m Must be trusted 50+ fb
  6. Pm me what price you let this go im intreested
  7. I know i cant sell but im just asking what is acc like this worth No lunars done, need 55 wc but have all other reqs! Dt done Piety quests done Rune gloves
  8. I will be only doing robin risk fites etc stuff so i have no use for halos and not intrested paying extra for them. Also looking for acc to be ready to play as im currently turning my mauler into baby ags. Ty for offers tho.
  9. I'm looking to troll someone not to viewbot myself
  10. I saw selling thread on here osbot and even staff verifed tos so i guess its allowed.
  11. Im not even looking to viewbot myself so idc about bans And only need 50-100 viewers
  12. Only for a hour or so Can pay in rsgp Possible?
  13. Yeah got the quests done already what you don't understand.
  14. Yeah i got this order done already And yeah i can choose which one i trust and which one i don't. Also when you say you are banned on p****bot that is not really a big + Still when you know i don't let you to my account to do even a cook assistant without 20m fee you keep spamming me everywhere.
  15. Have been looking for almost 40 hours now
  16. I totally get what you mean with a bit more "attractive" I like basic looks but thats a bit too basic for that type of banner
  17. NEED ONLY DT NOW 81 hp 46 pray 62def Good melees/range
  18. Like i said 10 times i will either go first to trusted guy or he can find the middleman idc im not here to looking scam And to be honest if you get scammed by imposter mm then you should not even be trading.
  19. Yeah well i'm not really new on trading. If i find someone who wants to swap he can feel free to find a mm lol I don't bot
  20. Can you read the fucking thread MM WILL BE USED Tell me how you can scam with a swap when using mm
  21. Offers? MM will be used just joined here as friend told its decent site to swap stuff.
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