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a L i a s

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Posts posted by a L i a s

  1. So yeah, got kicked from For a complete load of bullshit.

    Also if anyone wants to see @Violent Banned on here. Let me know. He scammed Credits off another botting site.

    QwPha8E.png Everyone else. Except those two, they can get fucked, P.S don't use the service, it's more overpriced than a set of DD's.


    fresh lvl 3 account:

    yoloswag's price: 2.6m

    anybody elses price: 1.5m



    Hmm dat markup, I'm surprised they get any customers at all with those prices.

    • Like 1
  2. I have an older post regarding this same issue.


    I have determined at least in my instance that it is something in my OS, which is windows 7 ultimate. I created a new windows 7 ultimate virtual os and only installed java jdk and java and i dont have the problem anymore..... so that means its something in my operating system causing a problem. not sure what, but at least i have isolated mine.


    Mine used to do this, however since my computer fucked itself and I was forced to reformat; it has not happened.

  3. The script I'm writing has a isVisible() check, so if the Entity is not visible than the script will moveCameraToEntity(). Problem is it occasionally either it thinks the Entity is visible when its not, or the moveCameraToEntity() method is broken. The script will just stay still until the Entity walks onscreen and then it will instantly interact.


    When this error happens I can fix it myself by moving the camera and when the Entity is visible onscreen the script will continue as normal. This is how I know its not an issue in the script but an issue in the methods returning true when they should be false.


    Noticed this today with my nmz script, it no longer rotates the camera to the powerups which spawn.

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