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  1. That would explain it! It's looting them fine now!!
  2. I've noticed that with the stronghold plugin, it's not looting to steel arrows on the second floor even when marking off to loot arrows, beyond that this script remains amazing!
  3. Script is wonderful, but with the stop condition "log out on goal" for levels the script will try to log out in combat or within the 10 seconds after it finished fighting, causing it to not log out and just stand there while the script stops.
  4. I ran into this same problem with mithril ores at ankous
  5. I was wondering if it would be possible to add on to the task portion, making the script switch monsters once it has finished reaching certain levels at one (or even switch styles/equipment though that's not overly important). Unless it's already in the script and I'm just clueless lmao
  6. I'm not sure of the specific tile, if you would like I can go check on Tuesday to see which. If i remember correctly it was right on the other side of the wall from the ladder, closest to the doors required to get to it (if that helps at all). But thank you for this script, it's honestly one of the best ones I've used especially since you're so responsive to the community
  7. One thing I noticed is that in the Stronghold of Security, on the second level, the script will sometimes get stuck trying to climb up the ladders that's in one of the room. It's the one right next to the room with zombies and rats in it. Instead of clicking to go through the doors, it simply keeps trying to click on the ladder.
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