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Trade With Caution
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Posts posted by SupremeLeader

  1. I can see, Donald Trump getting elected then stepping down as an ultimate troll because he realizes that being President is a shitty job and he has no plans or any policies that he is actually serious about.

  2. The fact is proxies are pretty much useless now a days.  Jagex doesn't hand out "gold farming bans" out anymore. Now, not say they don't IP ban because they might. But, in the past 6 months or so, I stopped using proxies and had 0 change in ban rates.  I wouldn't bother with them tbh, depending on who you got your VPS from.  I personally have used 40+ accounts on 1 IP and they lasted weeks botting and hundreds of hours of botting. Now, I think 12 hours everyday is a bad strategy.  I would recommend doing less hours daily until you figure out what hours work for you/and don't get you banned :P .

  3. LOL nuclear football

    Bud just apply the ban then, don't act silly about it you're making it worse for yourself


    Because I am tired of appealing for stupid reasons.  I have no intention to appeal because in a few months a different FNG staff member will do something similar and it will happen all over again. 

    • Like 1
  4. Lol if you really care to know why you're banned (even though I don't understand why you can't figure it out yourself as you broke the rules yourself): you flamed in chat because you were acting like a little child whose Candy got taken away when someone from the staff team removed your avatar.


    WHY ARE YOU GIVING CANDY TO LITTLE KIDS/BABIES! THEY CAN'T BRUSH THEIR TEETH! and yes, I said one line about somebody because they removed a PG-13 profile picture. I think i've said much, much worse.  Last time I checked though, their was a warning system? Considering I see worse said daily...


    I really don't care that much, I just find it funny how @Genii response was to me, even though he didn't ban me. https://gyazo.com/f2995e1575827350ab932ff02573f564 https://gyazo.com/2877cdbe8f4de20c223fbbf4692c042e with how serious he was, I thought he was guarding the nuclear football. 

  5. Hey can an un-named person ban u from the forum as well because they are being a panzy? I need to know


    They do not have the authority to ban me from the site if you must know. In fact, @Genii told me who banned me from chat was top secret and there was no reason for me to ever know whom did it. 


    So like any normal person since @Genii was more than useless and annoying, I just asked one of the other 30 people in the chat to find out >.> and I must confess, the banning was without any warnings and wasn't even that bad. Just one comment.

  6. Well, PP is ensured obviously as you send PP to friends/family and you can't retrieve it...


    I'm paying Cash not gp... Since prices are different and for my feedback i'm here as a serious buying doesn't mean nothing about feedback.


    on PA someone offered me a 2028 with everything for $400 (prayer/cmb) But if someone on here is willing to sell a account cheaper for what im looking for is 126 combat with 99 cmb stats including prayer i don't care for skills i will buy it.


    Let me know guys

    Sending money via friends/family is easily reversible (you can charge back), and not to mention making a business transaction via friends/family is against PayPal policy.  Now, I am selling a maxed melee account for GP or Skrill.  To me, it wouldn't seem that hard to buy gold and pay for an account with that. Just my 2 cents.

  7. No, anything can happen in real life, I just think some of it repeated and unnecessary for the program.


    & I gathered thats what you do after i looked.

    That "bomb" as a test at Quantico actually would be illegal/not allowed to be completely honest lol. The "mind" games of Basic that they keep talking about would be illegal.

    • Like 1
  8. Just saw high feedback. Wanted to see what you do in the market.

    And yeah it was a crappy test, the past flash backs are boring. It's more what's happening now what gets better I think.

    I gold farm and do other random online business ventures.  By Crappy I assume you mean, that you couldn't believe that it actually could ever happen IRL?

  9. Use couchtuner I think it's called they have all episodes. And some things did start like that to be fair but now I think they're moving forward.

    On other unrelated things why the hell do you have a feedback for buying '10B' runescape gold?

    I think a better question is why you checking out my feedback tongue.png ? Yeah, I could see that. But watching episode 7 atm, and that "bomb" test is beyond fake lol.

  10. Haha didn't mean like 'real' but more awesome and keeps you guessing.

    Ahh :P Idk why, but where I watch it doesn't have the first few so I missed those. But, idk to me it is so over the top that it almost a joke at points where I'm like... "yeah okay lmao" during intense scenes.


    Yeah I watch Limitless, it's amazing, along with the Player, Blindspot they're also good. & Yeah they're different but I think they're definitely on the same raiting as them, it's surely up there. You should go back and watch the last few episodes, this weeks episode of Quantico is finally moving forward again.

    Haha I mean like it's awesome.

    Ah. I was going to say lol, this shit isn't accurate what so ever.

  12. Hey guys,


    Not too sure who likes episodes like Arrow, The flash but if you guys want to try something knew, trying 'Quantico' so far it's quite fucking real and forever keeps you guessing.


    Random as hell but wub.png

    What do you mean by "real"? lol

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