Yes, but we though it would be fair if we take turns then it gives me this error .
Even though they are both purchased scripts on different users. Ohh well thanks for bothering to reply anyways.
I want to script for myself and for my cousin we both payed for different scripts on different accounts.
So why is it not just possible to run them both on my device? he did this for me aswell yesterday bot for me and himself and he could do it and he did not buy the vip.
Sorry for being such a pain in the ass i got it to work thanks.
I am making varrock teletabs just cuz i got 40 construction and its says that i am making 110k profit per hour how can i get it up to 250k?
Alright i fill in the GUI i select that i want to make varrock teletabs. Then select the banking mode that is the butler. I am standing in the falador bank, then i select the oak letern and then i press start and nothing happens it says setting up.
He is trying now to call the servent but i don't got a bell?-