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Posts posted by danieljvdm

  1. Concept of SDN is simple guys, you add a script to your account and then you can run it straight from the bot client. It'l load the class straight into your client when you select it so you don't have to download and place any scripts on your own.

  2. I'm a dev and I have a Nexus 4 and an iPhone 5, I will agree that Android has a lot more features (like java vm) that iPhone doesn't, but when it comes down to day-to-day use I almost always take my iPhone out... it's just a much more pleasant experience.

    You do know basically every company tries to find ways to do that, right? It's not illegal, so why not do it?


    This, and Apple does a lot more humanitarian good than the U.S. government anyway...

  3. 	private Rectangle getShopItemBounds(int itemId) {
    		int slot = -1;
    		for (int i = 0; i < client.getInterface(300).getChild(75).getInv().length; i++) {
    			if (client.getInterface(300).getChild(75).getInv()[i] - 2 == itemId) {
    				slot = i + 1;
    		if (slot == -1) {
    			return null;
    		slot = 6;
    		int row = (int) Math.ceil((slot / 8.0) - 1);
    		int column = slot > 8 ? slot - (row * 8) : slot;
    		int x = 80 + (column * 16) + (column * 31);
    		int y = 69 + (row * 16) + (row * 31);
    		return new Rectangle(x, y, 31, 31);
    	private void buyShopItem(Item item) throws InterruptedException {
    		Rectangle itemBounds = getShopItemBounds(item.getId());
    		RectangleDestination destination = new RectangleDestination(itemBounds);
    		for (int i = 1; i < 100; i++) {
    			selectOption(null, destination, "Buy 10", false);

    Just modify that, I can't be bothered to

    • Like 1


    OSBot version: 1.5.5

    Random name: Frog

    Issue description: Works perfectly and then when it gets to the option to kiss her the bot clicks the first option (eww no way) instead of  "sure" and then she gets mad haha. So it's just a matter of changing the interface option to the right one.

    Special notes:

  5. I don't understand... you just said something was broken and there was a fix. In my world that's called a bug. 


    API suggestions are for suggestions to add to the API, not fix.

  6. K well

    Bro, you gotta admit, Ventrilo is a really retarted name.

    I would ofcourse make the forum mods/admins the same rank on Vent aswell.


    You just defended yourself from your typo with another typo. It's "retarded". But I don't see why you need the admin's permission... just make the damn server and tell people it's there.

  7. Here: 

    public NPC getNPC(String name) {
    		List<NPC> npcs = closestNPCListForName(name);
    		for (NPC npc : npcs) {
    			if (npc.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(name)
    					&& client.getCurrentRegion().contains(npc))
    				return npc;
    		return null;

    just do NPC npc = getNPC("NPC NAME HERE");



    Your welcome. smile.png Creds to jwiz.


    Isn't this mine?

  8. Something like this would be great for scripts such as my fletcher after the 6 hour logout timer. Adding extra code to accomodate for this timer is annoying since it could catch it at any point in my script (could be 4 logs in so my usual onIdle if statements wouldn't pick it up ). Basically I'd have to start timers on when it starts the fletching/strinigng method.


    Anyway, if there was an onRelogin method, I could easily calculate what needs to be done to continue the script. 

  9. Try

    if(target != null)    if(target.isVisible())         log("Not in area");    else         log("In area");





    if(target != null && target.isVisible())     log("Not in area");else    log("In area");



  10. Everything is great, apart from moving entities like you said. My combat scripts don't work at all. Objects and items are working amazingly though. Huge improvement.

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