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Everything posted by Yeatman

  1. Hello, I purchased VIP yesterday afternoon, and my account status continues to go unchanged. I have waited over 24 hours, and have seeked help on multiple places in the forums. No one has been able to help me. I would love to get this status changed, as i have already paid. If something could be one about this that would be great. If it is still unchanged by tomorrow, I will attempt to get a refund. Although i would rather not get a refund, I agreed to pay $9.99 for 31 days of VIP status and I have already lost a full day. Thank you for your time, I hope this can get sorted out. -Yeatman
  2. Invoice #600988 I tried to screenshot and add a picture to prove that the purchase went through, but i couldnt figure out how to add it to this post. However here is my invoice number I hope this can help fix the issue? Maybe i need to get a refund and re-purchase? I am heading to bed for the night, will check back again tomorrow afternoon, maybe it will be solved by then. I sure hope so. Thank you for your support so far, im sure we will figure it out. -Yeatman
  3. I posted about this issue in the general section, however i think this is where it belongs. I purhcased VIP, but when attempting to use mirror mode, the client claims that I do not have VIP status. Any help would be appreciated. -Yeatman
  4. I just purchased VIP, but when i try to use mirror mode, the client says i must purhcase VIP. Im not sure if im in the right area of the forums here, but i would like to get this solved asap -Yeatman
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