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Everything posted by the1unknown9

  1. 1. Please don't flame in the forums. 2. Jagex would at least look into the accounts and might possibly find a correlations between them to put an offense on if I reported them. 3. Who's to say that they would be banned if he used different IP's to bot them on? 4. Jagex does care if you own more than 1 account. It's against their rules to multilog or to own more than 1.
  2. So a casual botter, like myself, would be safe in making another account and using that on the same IP without the fear of having my IP added to a "watch-list".
  3. I'm not sure, but here is my question: Let's say that I have never botted before and start botting on 1 account. After a few months, that said account gets banned for botting. Will Jagex then watch the IP address that the banned account was used on and monitor it for future botting activity? I have heard different opinions on this subject and am curious if I, or others should continue to bot using the same IP or invest in a proxy system to make the ban rate lower. Thoughts?
  4. It looks flimsy tbh. You can find a better one at Best Buy.
  5. Hey man, I feel you. I'm joining the Air Force in a few months because I want to leave my children a strong inheritance. If you need any help making pk videos or video game videos let me know. I also know how to pure and hybrid pk pretty well, and it literally takes less than a week to create a 'brid to pk with.
  6. That's what I was planning on doing once I hit 60 mining. I'll probably test that theory out in a few days and update this thread with the results.
  7. I noticed something interesting today. I've been mining iron ore for about 4 hrs at 25k exp per hour. I just came back home and noticed something interesting with how the other bots around me were behaving. I watched the script run for a few minutes and noticed that many other bots would log on next to the rocks, mine a few rocks, and then log out (presumably to world hop to find a free world). While my bot stayed since I turned world hop off. My question is: Does world hopping waste time or save time? Since there are so many bots now, it may be difficult to find a free world and a bot could hop to all worlds and still not find a free world. This would turn into a cycle that the bot would be stuck on. Thoughts?
  8. Then that means that they can see who you have traded with (interacted with) and look to see if who you traded with was using the same IP. Meaning that drop trading is much safer than multilog trading with the OS client and Firefox or some other client. MEANING that Jagex literally has no idea how to detect multilogs or bots and is on a massive witch hunt to stop all "suspected" bots. That's the only way I can think of how Jagex can ban legit accounts.
  9. Do they connect the two accounts if they find other accounts logged in at the same time under the same IP? If that were the case then everyone who plays in my dorm is gonna get banned lol.
  10. I have a question: Why not bot the accounts if you're just going to multilog? If I were at corp and saw 6+ players with the exact same gear on, and they weren't talking or interacting with me, I would think they were bots and would report. Even if you are using VM or different IPs for each char. It would seem more beneficial if you ran bots that would train themselves right off tut island and then set them up killing KBD continuously or something like that. Anyway, good luck man.
  11. I recently started botting on an old account of mine. By old I mean I created it in 2010. I've logged maybe 10 hours total on the account over 2 days so far, all of it botting. This was also the first time that I used this account for OSRS, so I botted it fresh off tutorial island. My question is: Are older account immune to being banned? Or have an extremely low ban rate? Knock on wood, but I think as long as I take reasonable precautions I can bot for a while without attracting attention. What do you think?
  12. Thanks everyone! I appreciate the warm welcome!
  13. Hello all! I recently found this website and the client for OldSchool botting. A little background of my runescape experience: I've been playing Runescape on and off since 2004. I have an account that was created in 06, so it almost has the 10 year cape. My original account was banned for botting (Was around lv 76 cbt at the time) back in 2006. Around 2009 is when I started getting into botting heavily while using other popular botting clients. I botted on my then main a little bit, but never received a warning or a ban. I still have that account today. I don't have much time to play runescape anymore because of school and work, so botting helps a lot. I started botting using this client yesterday and already have 50+ wc, 20+ atk, 20+ str, and am currently working to train my mining. I'm not using my main for this, just some old noob accounts I had laying around. I'm glad that the botting community has come back after the "Bot Nuke". I look forward to being more active in this community and in botting on OSRS. Thanks!
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