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Posts posted by Nade

  1. so if i understand what you mean, if you want a good succesfull farm you want injections and a proxy. if you want to protect 1 or 2 special bots that has lots of quest done for some farming you want mirror mode. thats how it works? ^^

    Yeah, exactly!

  2. how can i use proxys if i would use mirror mode? (cuzz i dont think mirror mode has a proxy setting)


    You can't... Most bots work better on injection anyway. Mirror is great and all, but so is saving your farm from a chain ban.


  3. Hey guys, I've been poking around at getting a private script soon..


    Just curious, is a private script of a public method (ex. RC/hunter/Blast furnace/clay mining.. many more etc)

    still a great reduction in ban rate? Or will the still monitor the area and ban accordingly?


    Any have experience with private scripts like this, or just private scripts in general?


    Appreciate all help!

  4. The thing is perm bans are supposedly issued by people only.


    It's a massive online gaming organization... you think they're gonna have a purge for 24hours? There's ALWAYS people on staff. Regardless of the 'headquarters'.

  5. I hate to say it.. But "premium scripts" doesn't hold the same weight it used to. They're great - much better than free, but previously what you could get away with on free scripts is what you can on premium scripts now.. JaGeX is getting good at detecting - and it only takes a few bans until they can lock down a script. Back in the day, premium scripts were untouchable, free were sketchy. Now free are insta-dead, premium are sketchy, and private are untouchable.


    It's the dawn of a new age..

    Some of the premium scripts like the hunter one I use has the most insane anti-ban, and I've yet to catch a ban on it - however, any multi-user script is eventually toast unless botted intelligently.


    Best wishes,


  6. Hey folks, just curious on anyone's personal tips for suiciding money-making scripts..


    To my knowledge the best strategy is:

    -Mule often (2hrs)

    -Weekends, or at least not Jagex working hours



    Any thing I can add to the list? I have tested some different methods, ex - questing one, levelling one a bit... Seem to all get banned the same.


    Is suicide almost always VERY quick bans? Or case-to-case basis?

    (I didn't even make it 8 hours last time I tried, looking to gather knowledge before attempt #2)

  7. Lmao so I'm running this script and see some dude gold farming the shit outta this place with all his bots wearing nothing but a santa hat... Probably not a good idea to bring that attention XD


    props tho. made me giggle.


    Posting in honor of 100k bars, 50m, and 2.5m XP. :)

    • Like 1
  8. Accidently used the inject?

    Nope.. :( GF lil guy



    Thats weird yes..



    I got a two day ban also and I was supervising the account and talking etc only used the mirror client and was taking brakes and questing and training multiple skills.

    Very lame. Sorry to hear.


    hot spots are typically swept thoroughly periodically and banned regardless of duration. This is more or less to preserve what's left of the economy. 


    Loosely monitored areas are not as likely to be banned immediately but when found out and marked down to be banned later on. This is so that bot developers and scripters can not directly pinpoint where disturbances are being located in their program. JaGeX directly stated this.


    That being said you may have been found on your zerker using a script prior to NMZ or you were caught on the first day using it being just unlucky.

    I see, thank you for the information.


    ban wave today at nmz... i lost a few aswell XD

    Oh okay.. RIP.


    did bot 90 hours at NMZ smile.png

    I knew my 2 day ban would come eventually. Just really hoped I had 95+ range first lol!

  9. So I ran BF bot on a pure for the past week or so, and havent' been touched. Over 50k bar smelted.


    I started a NMZ bot 2 days ago on my zerker, which is 180 QPs hand trained, but it got the 2 day ban today after I logged in then it auto-logged me out...


    How the hell did I get the hammer from NMZ yet have successfully banked 50k bars in a hotspot... on a worse account...???



  10. Hey guys, I want to check one of my bots member center without using my damn phone and data all the time, can someone help me use the SOCK5 Proxys with a browser?


    I understand how to do it but can't find where to enter the user/pass credentials.

  11. This script is seriously the #1 script I have yet to use in my botting tenure.


    Is is super clean, the anti-ban is INSANE, has randomized mousemovements, auto-reply to conversations, can do basically anything you ask. Super smooth, effecient, and stable.

    Will post more reports as time goes, here is my first.

    10k/hr as early as level 19 when I started it.


    • Like 1
  12. Definitely a fan of this idea... Would mostly prevent reports - not sure if it would prevent bans.


    Would help on scripts non-goldfarm related. :)

    (just my opinion, and I'm a useless new guy here so take it with a grain of salt)

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