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  1. I meant the jail door to the guy that gives you the dusty key, but it's good now.
  2. I can't open the fucking jail door in the tav dungeon to get the dusty key from the guy. I try just opening the door with the jail key in my inventory, and it says it's locked. So I try to use the key on the door and it just doesn't do anything. Am I missing something? It won't open and I want to go fuck up some dragons. edit: now it does work. I don't know what the issue was.
  3. I've always loved nightfall, and recently have come to really like autumn voyage. Just reminds me of the good old days when I could play runescape all summer 14 hours a day.
  4. Of course the problem here is uncertainty. I'm sure there's a handful of people who were just going to try a bot once or twice for less than an hour and got banned. Then again, there seem to be ways to significantly reduce being caught, and I know back when I had an RS3 account that I hated playing on, it took me a few days straight of 24 hour botting before they caught me. Would you ever risk botting on your main account that you're currently playing with?
  5. I'm perfectly happy spending just a few dollars to get myself a head start in the game with a few million, but last I knew runescape had trade limits and shit to prevent real world trading. How does that work these days?
  6. I swear in most major skilling spots 9/10 people are botting at a high level, which must mean a lot of them get away with it. Obviously it depends on the bot, but in general how crazy do you have to get these days before you'll get a macro major perm ban? Last time I played I had to go apeshit with a pure essence bot for days and days straight before dumbex caught on. Even though I used a different IP when I was botting than when I was doing legit, for some reason they never accepted my appeal. Anyway, if I put a mining bot on for a couple hours while I'm watching it, how likely would a ban be?
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