I am trying to build crude wooden chairs. Have planks, nails, hammer and saw, varrock and home tabs in my inventory. I check "Use Varrock Tabs" and "Use Home Tabs" and I start it when I am in my house with build mode on, but when it starts it just uses a varrock tele and then walks to the bank and does nothing.
[iNFO][bot #1][02/28 05:39:40 PM]: Everything is ready, Goodluck gaining!
[iNFO][02/28 05:39:40 PM]: Started script : AIO Construction
[iNFO][bot #1][02/28 05:39:46 PM]: Using Varrock Tab!
[iNFO][bot #1][02/28 05:39:52 PM]: Choosing & Generating our path to the bank
[iNFO][bot #1][02/28 05:39:52 PM]: Path #1 -- Randomizing Tiles..