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Everything posted by dopenes

  1. Hey, I noticed that webWalking(Position position) is deprecated... What is the alternative to webWalking to a specific position?
  2. Ok so I updated the client and the webwalking still has problems walking into a bank. I assume it has problems walking into any area with roofing based on certain circumstances. Here is a video of what is happening: http://sendvid.com/1gxhaik9 Notice the mouse is just hovering over the position. Next, I enable user input, then wait a little bit, then rotate the camera so the position is visible. Once the position is visible, it spam clicks a bunch of times and then continues the script. Can I get some feedback on why this is happening? Thanks, and we all appreciate your hard work guys.
  3. That seems like poor design. Why doesn't Alek implement a method to disable/enable that behavior.... Something like: public void onStart() { //code.. //The method.. getWalking().setRunEnabled(true); //code.. }
  4. Very nice, I have a few issues with the web walking that I will show you (via video) if they are still present when I restart/update the client.
  5. That feeling when you write your own scripts. Lol, I've been botting woodcutting and have gotten to 71 woodcutting no problem. Also, 65 fletching
  6. Nice, hopefully alkaherid pay toll is fixed too.
  7. Ehh, I was assuming that the getRandomPosition() method was returning a position OUTSIDE of the area. If this is the case, then this will fix it, but if not, then yeah, lol.
  8. Hi, I am a developer and I've noticed an issue with the Web Walking Object Handler. The issue is when trying to open the Lumby/Alkaherid gate, it simply clicks on the gate non-stop instead of Paying the 10 gold to pass. I even have a method to open the gate, but since your handler seems like it's in an infinite loop, it never gets around to my method of opening the gate. This is a good way to get banned and I hope that you guys can get a fix on this. Other than that, great job with the new Web Walker! No other problems besides the one mentioned. Also, when the webwalker detects an obstacle, and the obstacle dissapears (becomes null) it just stands there doing nothing. Inside of the console, it says "Next object = null?" and from what it looks like, gets stuck in an infinite loop.
  9. Position pos = Area.getRandomPosition(); long safeGuard = System.currentTimeMillis(); while(!Area.contains(pos)) { pos = Area.getRandomPosition(); if(System.currentTimeMillis() - safeGuard > 1000) { log("Something went wrong -_-"); break; } } You could try something like that.
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