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  1. Why aren't these ways utilized platform wise then? What ways, also? ?
  2. Markus


    Jagex is catching people based on behavior analytics, right? So acting as a legit player might make you less easy to identify as a botter, from a data point of view. I know it's entirely subjective but my accounts that have been 50% legit 50% botted last a lot longer, so there might be at least something to it.
  3. I guess I just don't get what step of the way you can't humanize. If randomizing isn't the way to go.
  4. That's the thing, with every client so anti-ban focused, shouldn't we have "fixed" all the un-humane things that happen? I feel like every single step of the way is randomized these days. What's missing? Must be something pretty crucial if you reach your hypothetical 50% so quickly, right?
  5. That's a good point, but, then what? Like, when they've recognized that pattern, and start seeing people following it, how do they go about determining that the person is a bot or not? There's gotta be a check or a test, or something definitive, right?
  6. I just started a character yesterday, banned today. After a total of 3 hours botted, with breaks. Did quests, did mixed combat training, and some magic training. So the play time was human, the progression was human, the mouse clicks and movements were human (right?) and the client isn't detected. So what flaw makes them so damn efficient at spotting bots?? I don't get how their bot detection is an industry secret, like someone equally talented to the coders at Jagex should be able to figure out what data points stand out to an anti-bot algorithm. This isn't a rant at Osbot btw, just a rant at botting in general. ?
  7. Markus


    The biggest tip for me is limit your botting. It's easy to get greedy. Do 6 hours a day with breaks to be really safe, some days do less, some days do more. Switch up what you're botting, do quests, sort your bank, buy cool outfits, hang around at GE, do minigames. Don't just do iron ore mining for 6 hours a day 7 days a week, it stands out. A character with 40 in all stats looks a lot less suspicious than a character with 99 hunter if you get what I mean. The scrutiny you're put under is different. There are no mods out hunting people doing 1 hour of smithing in Varrock, there's plenty of mods out hunting chinchompa botters, or blast furnace bots, or anything else with low level of entry and high GP/H.
  8. Does this only check and log prices? Or does it also flip things when it's done with the first "scan" ?
  9. How is it man vs machine? It's machine vs machine. Bot vs bot detecting. They just have better people, and more of them, than all the bot developers. So they're one step ahead constantly. Maybe if Advertising other bots isn't allowed. and Osbot and RID worked together we'd beat them. But nah.
  10. Of course the bans are issued manually. But they still have to go over evidence. I just feel like we need to figure out what the evidence is.. Since it's obviously more than just the client and player reports. But in my book all other fronts are covered, so it's hard to tell how they do it. We got the human mouse speed, human clicks, human breaking, human click patterns, human intervals, etc etc etc.. But we're probably still missing a few things no one has thought of.. Who knows..
  11. But, from a coding standpoint, there's no real reason as to why Jagex should be the "winner" is there? The only reason they're one step ahead constantly is because they have a lot of paid professionals sitting and working on Bot busting.. right? Like, a bot with as many employees as Jagex has for botbusting could probably fool them. Like, if we take clients out of the picture, and also player reports, people are still getting banned. So there's room for improvement, right?
  12. That doesn't explain how people are banned while doing NMZ. There has to be more to it than just player reports or manual bans. There's no way they're manually banning only. They're probably banning thousands of players a day, no way that's manual. It's probably a mix of a lot of things that set a player and a bot apart. A lot of minor things. Sure the can't ban someone for playing for 15 hours straight without break, but if he's also doing a lot of other things, he ends up with a lot of marks on the checklist, and gets manually checked and then banned. So why not eliminate as many of the checklist points as possible.
  13. That's probably why Simba and RID have so low ban rates, they both use the game client in browser or on Os-buddy, making them indistinguishable from legit players.
  14. " This is rare, and only usually happens if players use bots which have the ability to log accounts in without needing human input. " that part is new to me.
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