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  1. youve been awesome help so far! just one more thing, after about 2 hours 40 mins my bot just loggs off and thats it no loggin back in? how do i fix this?
  2. hi thanks for getting back to me, im new to osbot so just wondering how i get the update or is it automatically updated?
  3. fishing in barb village and it struggles to move spots saying tried to turn camera. ive re installed client and ive set camera zoomed all the way out yet it still does it. also it loggs me out after only 2 and half hours?? wonder if you can help. thanks
  4. hi great script, but it gets stuck at barb outpost when fly fishing it says 'tried to turn' but its not picking up the new fish spot and moving? it just stands there until the spot reappears infront again.
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