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Posts posted by atoo

  1. Decided to release this because my bots got banned and the day before i was too lazy to take the money out of them because i thought they wouldnt get banned :( , so gonna RQ on this script.

    Might release source later but w/e.


    simple gui


    Script will make ball of wool to level 10 crafting and then it will create bowstrings.

    Make sure you have X wool so you can get to level 10, and make sure you have Flax in your bank.

    No antiban bullshit.

    Money per hour ghetto calc : sellprice = bowstrings price from GE.

    (this.skilltracker.getGainedXPPerHour(Skill.CRAFTING) / 15) * sellPrice

    Download: https://www.sendspace.com/file/bqlwqb

    • Like 4
  2. 1 hour ago, Lemons said:

    Character.getInteracting() only works if the other Entity is a Character, aka a Player or NPC. To detect which rock is being mined, you can get a good guess via the players rotation. Note you can be mining a rock and not be near the rock under some circumstances, so don't consider this 100% reliable.

    	private RS2Object getRock(Player p) {
    		Position facing = p.getPosition();
    		int rotation = p.getRotation();
    		// Determine offset
    		if (rotation < 256)       facing = facing.translate( 0, -1);
    		else if (rotation < 768)  facing = facing.translate(-1,  0);
    		else if (rotation < 1280) facing = facing.translate( 0,  1);
    		else if (rotation < 1792) facing = facing.translate( 1,  0);
    		else                      facing = facing.translate( 0, -1);
    		// Search objects at facing position for "Rocks"
    		return getObjects().get(facing.getX(), facing.getY())
    				.stream().filter(o -> "Rocks".equals(o.getName()))

    I haven't tested this code but should be a good start.

    Viston already helped me, thanks tho

  3. Just a quick update:

    Seems like getInteracting is broken because it always returns null no matter what my character is doing? lol

    Even when mining its null.

    [INFO][Bot #1][11/19 01:28:50 PM]: interacting: null
    [INFO][Bot #1][11/19 01:28:50 PM]: interacting: null
    [INFO][Bot #1][11/19 01:28:50 PM]: interacting: null
    [INFO][Bot #1][11/19 01:28:51 PM]: interacting: null
    [INFO][Bot #1][11/19 01:28:51 PM]: interacting: null
    [INFO][Bot #1][11/19 01:28:51 PM]: interacting: null
    [INFO][Bot #1][11/19 01:28:51 PM]: interacting: null
    [INFO][Bot #1][11/19 01:28:51 PM]: interacting: null


  4. Just now, Chris said:
    public abstract class Character<C extends XCharacter<?>>
    extends Animable<C>
    implements Entity




    All Known Implementing Classes:
    Character, GroundDecoration, GroundItem, InteractableObject, NPC, Player, WallDecoration, WallObject


    public interface Entity
    extends Identifiable, Interactable, Vector3D
    Represents an in-game model.


    do you even java docs bro

    Didnt read the full page

  5. 1 hour ago, Apaec said:

    Yeah, but you may find that if you start the script when logged out and stop the script before onStart currently executes, the exp-gained will be some very unpredictable (potentially massive) value as it is not initialised. Not a problem for runtime paint data, but if you start saving data this could be an issue.

    been botting for 2 hours and had 8 breaks.

    seems to still work fine 8da8f250b4fdd413439241b14477aabf.png

    • Like 1
  6. 2 minutes ago, Apaec said:

    As Explv said, there are a numebr of ways. I'd probably rank (in terms of tidiness/reliability) them as follows:

    Calculating from xp gain. Not ideal as it requires xp data which is subject to change, plus relies on being logged in and having valid xptracker data


    But it keeps the value of how much xp you have gained even though you log out, which is nice.

  7. Code bellow works fine when we are not breaking, but when im breaking it fucks up and either goes up like 2+ extra logs even though we dont have that many logs.

    example : we have chopped 200logs, but it returns 240 logs chopped.

    		if(myPlayer() != null)
    		long oaksInInventory = getInventory().getAmount("Oak logs");
    		if(oaksInInventory > oakpreviousInvCount){
    			oakChopped += (oaksInInventory - oakpreviousInvCount);
    			oakpreviousInvCount = oaksInInventory;
    		} else if (oaksInInventory < oakpreviousInvCount){
    			oakpreviousInvCount = oaksInInventory;

    Reason im asking for some help or tips is because when we have X logs chopped i want it to do something.

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