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  1. WebWalkEvent wont accept an array though, hence why I'm using getWalking().webWalk().. Example - getWalking().webWalk(Banks.EDGEVILLE, Banks.AL_KHARID, Banks.DUEL_ARENA, Banks.CAMELOT, Banks.GRAND_EXCHANGE, Banks.ARDOUGNE_NORTH, Banks.ARDOUGNE_SOUTH, Banks.CASTLE_WARS, Banks.CATHERBY, Banks.VARROCK_EAST, Banks.VARROCK_WEST, Banks.YANILLE, Banks.TZHAAR, Banks.LUMBRIDGE_UPPER, Banks.PEST_CONTROL, Banks.GNOME_STRONGHOLD, Banks.DRAYNOR, Banks.FALADOR_EAST);
  2. How can I handle when no route is found by webwalk? Example, getWalking().webWalk(Banks.LUMBRIDGE); and in logger will respond " WebWalking NO ROUTE FOUND ... " How can I handle this? I've tried wrapping in and try and catch, but no luck, i did have a solution previously but I forgot what I used.. Also I have multiple positions/areas/routes so WalkEvent isn't a option since it won't take an array and select the closest position.. Where as webWAlk will take multiple areas and select the closest.
  3. So I'm trying to use sleep until one of my widgets in query is visible, how would I do this? Example of current code - RS2Widget displaytaken = getWidgets().getWidgetContainingText(558, "Sorry, this display name is not available"); RS2Widget displayabl = getWidgets().getWidgetContainingText(558, "Great! This display is available"); keyboard.typeString(rsn); // I want to sleep after the above until " displayabl " or " displaytaken " is visible ( due to the delay of server response and also to make my script more efficient ) // It would also be useful to know in this example for future reference, as straight the if statement below, there's another response that has a delay if(displaytaken != null && displaytaken.isVisible()) { log("Display name is taken!"); } else if(displayabl !=null && displaytaken.isVisible()) { log("Setting display name!"); setname.hover(); mouse.click(false); }
  4. Install Oracle JDK and it'll work
  5. Error: Could not find or load main class main.ExplvOSBotManager?
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