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I Andy

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Everything posted by I Andy

  1. Going off of my post yesterday or 2 days ago, I just received a 2 day ban from ONLY using this script. I have never botted my account previously to using this script. It's not a bad script, but as I had predicted, it's just too obvious that it's a bot. It will literally stand there, stuck behind a brawler clicking the same thing until the brawler is killed or the game ends. Until this is fixed or something, I'd be careful with this script. Don't get me wrong, this script it 95% flawless, but the one flaw it does have is just too obvious. BE CAREFUL!
  2. Any update on my earlier questions?
  3. What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of using mirror mode over stealth? Also, the bot get caught up in brawlers and will continually click on the portal or spinner etc... Any way to make the script recognize there's a brawler blocking movement? This flaw makes this script quite bannable
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