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  1. what happened to you? You got in-active :(

  2. Wtf is this about? I come back from a few days off and this is what I find? Oh and this: What is the reason for you bashin on me? I didnt say anything you personally, I was merely trying to improve the forums :P
  3. That's the most clueless and dumb post I've read on this forum so far haha. I'm trying to make a suggestion to improve the forums, and in return you call me a scammer? I've sold 30 grand worth of gold through this forum ( along with being active on Sythe, Advertising other bots isn&#39;t allowed., p****bot and excobot. ) you clearly don't know me at all. People have gone first in 1500$ trades with me, and I haven't scammed them, so please don't try to portray me as a scammer. And everybody's against this change, so this topic can be locked <33 Sorry to waste your time guys cheers! B2B
  4. Feedback is one of the things, changing the forum into a better place is another to answer your question: Being a top 5 feedback member is simply a goal, just like people trying to reach #1 most donated etc
  5. With all do respect Mikasa, try understanding the difference between a direct competitor and an indirect competitor :P the difference is that your direct competitors would be: Excobot, Advertising other bots isn&#39;t allowed. and Powerbor, seeing as they all have a botting client, and are mainly focussed at botting And there's indirect competitors, being Sythe and other runescape related forums, as they steal away the time, and money otherwise dedicated to your botting client. The subject both of these have in common is runescape :p Also, why wouldn't you want Sythe customers on OSbot? Clearly there's loads of scammers, but there are loads of scammers on here to. ( actually, got more scams via Osbot then via Sythe.. so that won't really make a difference ) and there's some very cool, smart people on Sythe which really enjoy being in a community . Also they got plenty of money to spend on script, which would only be a good way to improve the client. Cheers!
  6. I'm kinda talking runescape related forums in general. Check out Sythe, they're massive even though they aren't a botting website. how-ever, botting and runescape black marketing go hand in hand I guess indirectly, you'd have the possibility to draw people away from Sythe.. Loads of potential botters there anyways I understand Sythe isn't a direct competitor, but it's certainly an indirect competitor.. any marketing book will tell you that since you're both involved in the same market ( being runescape ) you're tied to each other.
  7. Hey there fellow OSbot users! I've got some suggestions to improve the forums. here they come: First of all there's a rule which ( in my opinion ) should be changed. Right now the feedback system only applies as the following: meaning you can only receive feedback for Runescape related trades. If you look closely at competitors websites, you'll notice they allow feedback to be given for services / trades besides Runescape; therefor improving the market section, improving the activity in thus forum, and improving the traffic generated by Google and other websites. it's basically a step towards expansion . Second of all: Right now, OSbot is mainly runescape related, which is fine. But if you look at other big competitors such as Sythe and such, you'll notice that they all have a section for "non runescape related sales". Isn't it a good idea to add such a place for people to trade for example: - bitcoins/ other coin currency - IRL items, such as gaming consoles, Apple products etc - Gift cards / store credit This would add to our forums and allow people to have more possibility's on these wonderful forum. As I layed this out to Mikasa, Mikasa told me to simply use the "Others" forum. But in my opinion this section is to vague, and small in order to be used properly. It should be divided into sections such as the one's I typed a few lines back. Please let me know what you guys think! B2B
  8. Thanks everybody! my verified transactor status is sooo hot haha
  9. Woohoo finally got myself 100 feedback & thus the right to being a verified transactor Merry christmas!
  10. Nice! where did you chop?
  11. gratulations mate I'll join you shortly haha
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