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420x Kush

Trade With Caution
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Status Updates posted by 420x Kush

  1. Hey man, For a couple days after buying Perfect Motherlode Miner I had trouble using it finally figured it an since then I've had 4 accounts banned using it lol granted that comes with the risks I get that not here complaining or trying to get my money back... I am however wondering if it all possible I could swap it out for "Perfect Fisher or even the Woodcutter" I've seen plenty of good feedback on those an I really can't afford to spend money right as I just found out I have a child on the way... So I would really appreciate it if I could swap the Perfect Motherlode Miner script for either your Woodcutter or Fishing script... If it's even possible sorry for wasting your time brother your scripts are amazing so much so I had to spend some money on them to show my gratitude

    1. 420x Kush

      420x Kush

      Hell I don't care if you take away the Perfect Motherlode Miner and give me like a week or 2 trial for the Woodcutter or Fisher.. I just won't be using the Miner anymore due to the bad luck I've had with ban ratio lol (I do not suicide accounts either I bot maye 1-3 hrs every other day if that)

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