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Posts posted by geobit

  1. I used this script for a total of 6 hours and ended up getting a delayed ban through the night, do not bot on your main this is a pretty shitty script with which hogs all of your CPU, expect a ban from this script.

  2. Although, the bot is having some problems alot of it is because this bot is so sophisticated that it's difficult for me to used to it, but I am getting the hang of it. 

    I still would recommend this bot to anyone who is in the market for one... best one on the market hands down with so much customization and super kick ass

    edit: I'd like a full refund, this is the only script I've used and I just received a two day ban from this bot, I've only owned this bot for less than 24 hours. Use at own risk.

  3. Few things with the bot, Czar:

    Having difficulty putting cannon up whilst safespotting... When I press cannon and Range in default combat tab it doesnt put down cannon after asking for for tile location, nor does it click on any other NPCs just hovers over them for a second

    Also I have a big problem with it missing my tile on my safespot clicking the tile leading up to the safespot, I'm dont have a fps lag or anything, just not pressing it.

    The script is having problems with my safespot tile, causing monotonous clicking that would be easily detectable by jagex's antibotting system similar to "Can't reach that" error


    edit: I was able to get all but cannon and ranging at same time, fixed as well as misclicking safespot every time... Please explain what I may be doing wrong for the repetitive miss clicking on my safespot every time it tries to go back

  4. 12 hours ago, Apaec said:

    mly move the mouse and camera at the frequency you input. Furthermore, every asp

    The script always goes to the same distance (far beyond needed zone/while using 4 crab spot) when resetting mobs, I can see other people who are using the same script as I while playing in-game

  5. Banned for use of this bot. Did Animal Magnetism and stopped picking up my mithril darts and within two hours, I was just another busted bot.

    One day ban. Very Apprehensive to continuing to use any bots at this point.

  6. 8 hours ago, Cathedral said:

    just got 3 accounts of mine banned running this script this was a waste of money literally only did two quest on each character all different quest an haven't used any other scripts on them an they got banned 40 minutes later.


    Which quests?

  7. 8 hours ago, Czar said:

    Will test stronghold banking ASAP, I got 28-40 ranged there but I never ran out of food, I will run some tests ASAP. Apologies for any inconvenience :( Expect an update very soon though :D

    As for mirror mode: good news, have gone through every single action and event in the script, and found a lot of areas which can be optimized, next update will feature a crazy performance boost. ^^ :D

    Just from the Kill Detection code alone, managed to help the performance of the script. The Kill Detection code was checking for a kill 60,000 times a minute, or every 1 millisecond, and that is just 1/~20 of the detectors currently active. So every 1 millisecond the script would grab the npc, load their health, and repeat thousands of times unnecessarily. I did this to provide the most accurate health/kill detection but I went overboard, it can be optimized without any compromise.

    I am even planning on adding a HUD tab on the setup window, to determine what to show before even starting the script. So you can hide the paint from setup immediately, or you can choose not to show kills (will give small performance boost) across all actions/events/tiles, all benefits will be explained in the tab. So if you truly want minimal resources you can customize everything.

    @BitcoinBobby can you paste the new console log errors after attacking blue dragons? Or has this been resolved?

    Script will be back on the store very soon guys, will be activating auths so you can use the script temporarily without buying, until it goes live. Only a limit of 10 users I will try and get more via devs if possible.

    Small proggy using ranged:



    I would love if you could auth me when the time is right, I was already in the middle of trying to buy this, will be surely buying it as soon as it is available especially with all the good directions the script is headed in!

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