Hey Fellas,
Needing some help on a trending issue it would perhaps appear.
Client will not start after typing in your credentials/being pre-populated, when attempting to log in the client will say 'Failed to authenticate to OSBot servers'. I am using stealth injection, not using a proxy.
I currently am using a Mac, and have had no issues prior to this logging in.
I have checked via Java website and my java is up to date, using - Version 8 Update 161.
I have removed old version of OSBot, and deleted the Caches. Re-installed, and ensured 'stable version: 2.5.3'. Client will now prompt me to 'install webwalking' However still to no avail, it will not proceed any further and will display 'Failed to authenticate to OSBot servers'.
Help would be greatly appreciated, as I'm not the most computer savvy ;)