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Everything posted by Sndroom

  1. Hey again! I discovered a bug in mining guild, sometimes it gets stuck to the little door that is in the mining guild. it starts endlessly going through the door and back. Can you please fix that? And also the "hop when no ores available" doesnt work. it does not hop. Oh, tried the gemstone mining, can say that it doesnt work at all. Cant find the Shilo bank and cant find the path from the bank to the ores. I would be glad to see this fixed.
  2. When I try to mine coal in the mining quild. then after banking for the first time, the script goes nuts and just starts to walk in 2 squares near the ladders exactly on the spot where in the minimap is the agility symbol. After restarting the script, It goes down to mine again perfectly, and then after banking it does the same crap - walks in 2 squares near the ladders on the agility symbol. Discovered that if I use the choose rocks from screen method, then it works flawlessly. Okay nevermind, same crap happens even with the choose the rocks from screen mode. Well, discovered that the bug is totally random, regardless of the mining mode. Sometimes it starts to walk between 2 squares on the agility symbol spot in minimap, sometimes it works good. Please fix this issue. And also it would be good if the bot is mining ore with other players and loses the ore, then as soon as teh ore is gone, it starts mining another one, not waits until the action ends and then clicks another ore.
  3. Have exct same problem. Just as I press LOG IN, I get kicked out with that error.
  4. Hey! I bought this script a few days ago and I am using this in mining guild. One little thing You could add up to the script, is that can you make it happen that it'll mine both Mithril and Coal together? And I've encountered a few problems: First, sometimes, after getting full invy of coals, and when ladder isnt in the view, then the script cant find the ladder and just stands in one place. Second, sometimes, the script, after running to bank, misses "Bank Booth" and clicks "Talk to" instead, then the conversation begins with the banker, and the script thinks that it has opened the bank, and tries to deposit ores, but since there is no "deposit 1,10,x,all..." when right clicking the ore, it just keeps right clicking it. Hope I get some feedback or fixes for these little problems.
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