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Newbie (1/10)



  1. Czar, can i trial this script? and do you still have the buy two get one free deal?
  2. thank you Czar. honestly you are one of my most trusted scripters. I know that my account on OSbot seems nooby, but i have been a better since classic, and you are honestly a great asset to the botting community. and anyone who says differently can gtfo Botter... god damn i need to check my spelling haha
  3. @morzo35, please do not get me wrong, i think Czar is a great scriper Czar i love your work I'm just pointing things out, and i will continue to use Czars scrips until i quit sunspace altogether runescape lol
  4. again czar i love your range guild script... my new account has been walking up and down the lumbridge stairs and then when i stopped at started it, it attacked a large rat by the lumbridge fishing area
  5. Czar, I love your range guild bot, but i have now had 3 accounts banned this week from your perfect fisher. this last one only lasted 6 hours before ban
  6. You must have some settings wrong... I've now been running 30+ hours
  7. how do i post screenshots sorry I'm new at this
  8. i dont wanna switch to .122 i have a 16 hour proggie going
  9. i understand this... but czar normally says its working, so i was curious. thank you dieze I'm looking to see if the update was accepted
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