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Newbie (1/10)



  1. items: https://gyazo.com/a2ea7328f36ad0a377ac0b05cd97a274 - Book of Balance - Holy Book - Varrok Armour 1 - Mith Gloves - Bearhead - Lootingbag stats: https://gyazo.com/1d9bc6402164ae639467d7d7f6c8d37c quests: https://gyazo.com/9cc5c1dd4f4aa2649e963c63602cc62e cmb: https://gyazo.com/dd815a5dc3eb1d7ce0b794419c86e373 WARNING! Unfortunetely, this account has been bot busted at one point. However, the account is pretty much complete and ready to pk. Proof: https://gyazo.com/0daff57a152105760f468f59879c1d2b Wondering how much GP I can get for this bad boy. Let me know! Thanks!
  2. 1. Stats: 2. Quests: * RFD done in case you didn't see. 3. Items/Untradables: I no longer have time to really play anymore (college), and was curious to see what kind of offers I can receive! I am new to this ordeal of buying and selling, so please be patient! Anyways, leave your offers or questions below and I should get back to you soon!
  3. 1. Stats: 2. Quests: * RFD done in case you didn't see. 3. Items/Untradables: I no longer have time to really play anymore (college), and was curious to see what kind of offers I can receive! I am new to this ordeal of buying and selling, so please be patient! Anyways, leave your offers or questions below and I should get back to you soon!
  4. I have been having the same exact problem ever since we started getting ddosed, and I would love to be told how to fix it. My error is as this: [iNFO][09/06 04:43:06 PM]: Loaded 2 RS accounts! [ERROR][09/06 04:43:06 PM]: Uncaught exception! java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "" at java.lang.NumberFormatException.forInputString(Unknown Source) at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(Unknown Source) at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(Unknown Source) at org.osbot.coM7.<init>(ej:110) at org.osbot.BotApplication.iIiIiiiiIi(jp:344) at org.osbot.BotApplication.main(jp:148) Edit: I fixed it, all that was needed to be done, thanks to @Alek, was to delete my OSBot local folder, and start from scratch. Hope yours gets fixed aswell!
  5. I guess Walt Jr. from Breaking Bad playing Runescape. He said he was maxed in this video. You think he botted? lmao @1:20
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