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Trade With Caution
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About Chriser

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Iron Poster (3/10)



  1. Hello! I'm looking to sell a little bit of my gold that I no longer need, hit me up on the forums if you're interested. I will only accept Bitcoins
  2. Completed your order, thank you for using my services.
  3. Yes it does, i'm open to do that. Sent you a message, we can discuss this on my skype.
  4. I was asking you for conrete sources. Not simply assumptions of what you think is happening. If you cannot provide one, I can understand.
  5. I actually live in Sweden, thus why i'm asking you.
  6. I have never heard of this, can you provide with some concrete sources and not assumptions?
  7. Ghost Ahoy I can do for 1.2m That's including the tokens. Animal Magnetism I can complete for 1.2m aswell. Got your order! Starting shortly, thank you for using my services.
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