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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by taybae60

  1. Probably quite a bit, the low attack helps for selling because you can turn it into any build, I would guess 200m+
  2. 1. Pictures of the account stats 2. Pictures of the login details https://gyazo.com/c3afb7b5abbe6e58f276ce861b400475 3. Pictures of the total wealth (if there is any) 4. Pictures of the quests completed 7. The methods of payment you are accepting RS07 GP 8. Your trading conditions Will use a middleman 9. Account status https://gyazo.com/d24c14f51a6ce7aa8f81c66a917eb1f8 10. Original/previous owners AND Original Email Address I am Original owner and it has the original email 45m Autowin
  3. Leading bid, will probably sell to you in the next 24 hours if no one beats your bid.
  4. How long are you online on weekdays/weekends?: Sometimes several hours What is your Time Zone: Eastern Standard (New York) Do you have a 20M 07 Gp Deposit (Asking to work for the deposit will result in a BLOCK) : Will in 2-3 days What kind of things can you do for our services (Questing, Torsos, etc)?: Questing, Torsos, Pest Control, Power Leveling, (some) Fire Capes What is your skype? : Can I message it to you? :P Why would you like to work for my services?: To build feedback and make some mulah Do you agree to the TOS?: Yes
  5. Just DCed for AGS and need some GP so 80m insta win if not selling it to Alvin for 70m
  6. Not that you're botting, that you're selling an account :P
  7. Done 1-99 on 3 accounts with a mouse recorder, just do at w2 duel arena bank, w18 edge bank etc, dont do at w44 pc
  8. I just use AHK or mouse recorder for dropping invs tbh been doing it since i started RS
  9. 1:1 input to output for no bannerino
  10. G Maulers for bounty hunter, 75 att 42 def for risk fighting
  11. Hey man, just looking for a price on 80-94 range on an account with 42 def 31 prayer
  12. Can someone remove this post? Sold account 1 and made a seperate thread for account 2
  13. Yeah there's a lot to odds staking takes some learning
  14. I'd say over 31 pray get 75 attack but get range up first
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