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    Ur mum lol

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  1. nvm ill just give it to my friend
  2. Odd, did you bot on all of them correct?
  3. Why was it delayed? why didn't they just do it when I was last botting?
  4. So I log in from not botting in 2-3 days then play for less than 3 seconds on the OSBot client then i see this http://gyazo.com/21729547925c0c128bdce5ef7b83f942 Sheit. Did they make it so you can't play on a bot client or something?
  5. Vexare


    There is no set hours.You're obviously new.
  6. omg da bot es oflein wat i do? is et up? wtf? dis bot suks!
  7. Marijuana makes you violent is probably my favorite facebook page.
  8. Well I don't really care if my dad thinks I'm gay or not. If I wanted to watch porn I would.
  9. I didn't see that until you said something, thanks I just glanced at it.
  10. I don't want to ignore people, I like to talk to people on here. I heard people were having a hard time turning them back on.
  11. Can we please keep the forums PG or could you guys keep them in the spoilers. I'm really sick of being paranoid of my family walking into my room while on the forums. It's getting worse everyday I though it was funny at first but it's really getting out of hand because nearly everyone has porn as their signature.
  12. Message an admin and tell em wussup. And it doesnt matter if you have java or not lol.
  13. Yeah same, It's unoffical but I think mine is 6 but not sure lol I am the fap king
  14. I meant of all time, this is what every man is proud of. and wtf is a girlfriend?
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