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Posts posted by Cekcenk

  1. On 1/29/2021 at 11:37 AM, Sheetz said:

    @MGIGiven several attempts with varied results. However I was able to get Mirror Mode to successfully attach to the Runelite client 32-bit version with GPU plugin disabled, however upon attaching it seems as though the "graphics" never update on the mirror mode client itself. If you click the sidebar open and closed it will update the image shown on the mirror mode client but its like it grabs the screen for a second then if you mess with the sidebar more it will continue updating for a second then becoming a frozen image. It however does successfully interact with the client. Anything further you need to help with debugging I would be glad to provide you. Once it successfully attaches to Runelite once, you must reinstall Runelite to attach to runelite again or it just attempts to attach to runelite and closes.

    Yep, can confirm had the exact same exprience. Would nice if you guys can get it to work.

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