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Posts posted by Speakmore

  1. @ Ovariously (you have ovaries) I was joking.

    Thus the section: Spam.

    Wait let me say that again



    There's a new Admin guys.

    And I don't like it.

    Incase you don't want to look at the list: @test

    We have to get this hoe demoted. But he/she never posts.

    How can we get hik/her demoted?!?!

  2. If you would like a script made, you can request it.

    Make sure you know that flawless scripts take a lot of time (depending on the script and scripter). Also know that these people do it because they want to, they aren't getting a salary (unless you purchase their scripts).

    But more scripts will be released as time goes on, just be patient.

  3. Yes


    Relooked at

    Will edit after leegs game

    Infact, I just had another fight with him yesterday and days before.

    Honestly I think him changing posts is the best thing he does, and does it properly.

    I think he got mod too quickly in THIS community and seems he's not very nice.

    Also if you get on his bad side, he gives you no opportunity to make it up. For example just yesterday I told him and the community that I was going to stop trolling and act more maturely on the forums as I've become quite the troll and am hated by many here. He told me I'm going to be the same trolling kid and that I won't change. I can quote it if necessary. I've made many complaints about him in threads as well as to Kati who just blew me off as usual.

  4. Why is it Maldesto's fault xd

    They think it's his fault technically because he removed the feedback, while followig Kati's guidelines.

    Like if the manager tells the worker to do something and he does it. If people don't like it, they'll blame said person. Maldesto removed the feedback, while doing his job correctly, they're unhappy with it

    @Jason @Occazn I'll quit with yall.


  5. no it doesn't if it did that kati would be 1 min every time she logged out to sleep/

    Bro, I'm on 12 hours+ a day, it is.

    Unless it doesn't count when I turn my phone off. I've been on the forums WAY longer than 14 hours, I'll assure you that.

  6. Regardless, I don't agree with the rule.

    Hey Jason,

    It is actually rather clear, and as @Maldesto copied, pasted, and colored. It says that the same person can not give you more than 1 feedback. Which I'll also disagree with, because if they can't give you more than one, your feedback ISN'T an ACCURATE number of GOOD/SUCCESSFUL trades.

    It is very clear, but as you stated, I don't agree with the rule either.

    However, considering it is the rules and @Maldesto didn't make them, he IS doing his job properly.

    However the rule should be changed as I stated above, for example:

    I know I've traded 5m to Jason last week for $xxx. I know he doesn't scam. So a week later I now have 5m more I want to sell. If I'm getting a fair pay (and he is still buying gold) I would sell it to him, because I feel moee comfortable trading with him than others. I believe he/I should be able to give feedback again beause this is a different occasion and a successful trade.

  7. This method COULD work.

    I would absolutely advise against it, infact NEVER do it. Pathetic, if someone traded me 50k to double, I'd scam it. Please. These kids that double hardly make any cash, they'll scam anything they can get.

    Can I say it doesn't work, not really.

    Does it work, probably not.

    As stated before, I wouldn't and would advise that you (the reader) also stay away from it.

    He says you'll make it up easily by doing it again. If one person scams you for 150k gp, so could the next, and the next, and there goes your cash stack.

    • Like 1
  8. Buying stickies isn't a horrible idea, infact not bad at all!

    Then the symbols for "milestones" as stated above is unneccesary to be honest.

    I wouldn't really care for either, but buying stickies isn't a bad idea (also stated above).

  9. Knew you from Jordan's server since 2010 but you wouldn't know me by this username (Zerox).

    Honestly, I would just stick to Speakmore. Why? Because knowing you, by now you would of helped dozens or more people.

    Good respect from me to you as well as others. Fresh start? Don't fall into that pit.

    Haha you actually remember me from that server huh.

    With Brandon and uhhh what was the girls name.

    I was helping like 12-15 hours a day on that server. Then Jordon demoted me because Brandon never talked to him about me ^_^

    • Like 1
  10. Everyone deserves a second chance.

    But even if you start over people are going to still carry their impression of you as first impressions count and to me you weren't exactly a friendly guy.

    That's fine, you don't need to like me.

    But I no longer hold any grudges against anyone right now.

    Welcome back to the forums. Now let's get you a profile pic.

    Always been here

    Never had a profile pic


    But thanks

  11. Hello Everyone,

    As most of you currently already know, I am quite a hassle for this forum, or rather the Moderation Team, and I also don't play Runescape. While that is fun and all, it gets kind of boring because they just ban me for a day over and over and these infractions never seem to expire, or if they do, in a month+, so basically never. Anyways, I think I'm up to 6 points or whatever and as stated, the bans are getting annoying.

    If you've been in the community since April, you should/may know that I was one of if not the most active members in the community. I was on (via my phone, and still am) my phone for about 12 hours+ a day (on the forums) and posting A LOT. I think I averaged 50 or so a day. Then I went "silent." I now and have been for months posting 0-5 times a day at most and I got infracted for random crap that of course I disagree with, and never appeal because people are fed up with me and won't remove them because of it. Yeah, yeah, you guys are SO non-bias when it comes to Speakmore posts/threads. I don't believe that crap for a second. When you're moderator+ and this certain person is consistently being a nuisance, you're always reading their posts in a way that you wouldn't read it from a newer player (with better intentions?). Anyway, this thread isn't about yourself, but rather about me and my change of/in attitude and maturity.

    I'm pretty sure if you knew me back in April, that you liked me much better then, and I would like that again because I'm bored of the trolling and being treated like I treat half of you. I haven't decided if I want to make another account (I think my 19th) or not because:

    1) I have a rather large amount of posts

    2) I have plenty of posts/topics with "Likes"

    3) I want the name Speakmore

    The reason I would want yet another account:

    1) I have a lot of warning points

    2) New account gives me a better chance to "restart"

    So let me know if you guys would be willing to give me a chance to "restart" or something like that.

    Is this where I state that the entire thread was fake and you all (readers) just wasted 5 minutes of your lives? Nope.


    • Like 3
  12. This is usually only used on huge private servers.

    Because the moderators are strictly used for cleaning the forums/in game.

    So they added a support rank for people to just help people. So the moderators job was much much more easier.

    I think adding this would cause people to act above others. And some would act another way to get the support rank.

    The moderators do a great job already. Balancing out their time helping others and helping the forum itself. We should keep it how it is.

    If you get bigger then maybe we can make the rank. But right now we don't need to separate their jobs.

    This ^

    People like myself would go tryhard for it, then if I got it lets say, I'd feel better than you all. Then once you get it, you don't perform as good anymore because you've already achieved what you wanted.

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