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Trade With Caution
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About Mesa

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Steel Poster

Steel Poster (4/10)



  1. Holy fuck 375M? You should just buy my main for 50M
  2. Hi <------- See how mine says "Congratultions, you have no active offences..." <---- Yours does not say that, meaning there are offences. Also at the bottom of yours it says, "you have the following offences recorded"
  3. I've been "self-hosting" since I was 70/70/70 so it definitely works. As for the gold only, I don't have a paypal, so i'm not sure how it would work for me to recieve the money and buy gold on a new unverified paypal?
  4. 1. Pictures of the account stats: 2. Pictures of the login details: 3. Pictures of the total wealth (if there is any): 4. Pictures of the quests completed: 5. The price you will be starting bids at: 15M 6. The A/W (Auto-win) for your account: 35M 7. The methods of payment you are accepting: 07gp ONLY. 8. Your trading conditions: You first, or we use a middleman 9. Account status: 10. Original/previous owners AND Original Email Address: I am the original owner, I will change the email to yours
  5. OS bot Name: Mesa Skype name (optional): Mesa.rs Account (pure/ironman/...): Low level Quest(s)/Package(s): Tree Gnome Village Fight Arena Mountain Daughter Vampyre Slayer Payment method: 07gp Do you agree with the ToS?: Yes
  6. What bans does this have? It does not say "No active offences"?? Please show the whole thing
  7. Welcome to the community
  8. New Auto Win for this account is 15M. New Auto Win is 10M!!!
  9. What service do you need: Questing Do you need powerleveling, if so what: No Have you contacted me yet: Yes Do you have a dead line: Not really Do you accept the ToS: Yes
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