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Everything posted by Booch

  1. Booch


    Yea sure, shouldn't be too much trouble, didn't think anyone is interested in xp/hr
  2. Booch


    Thanks alot, really dedicated alot of time into it to make sure I created nothing short of high-quality
  3. Booch


    Then I'll change the catherby update to an ardougne update, thanks Artemis Also, efficient running has been implemented, once I get the 6 hour proggy I'll tweak a few minor things and request an SDN upload
  4. Booch


    This is my hour proggy without any efficiency tweak on 62 mining. No errors whatsoever, flawless
  5. Booch


    I think to teleport to Ardougne you need a requirement? And yea I'm really working hard on the script, it's not something I'm putting out without maximizing it's efficiency and will keep it updated and add more routes along the way
  6. Booch


    In the future I'll first be adding a Catherby route as it requires no skills/quests. After that I'll put another update for Ardougne too! Also I tested this on 2 accounts, on my 62 mining I was get 210/hr - 90k/hr. On my 76 I was getting 265/hr - 100-110k. Bare in mind I haven't set the toggle run feature when walking to bank (Less weight/More efficient energy use) so that's going to affect ALOT and even grabbing the free gold ore that spawns on the ground. So once that's put in I'm looking at 100k/hr for 60~ Mining, 125k/hr for 75~ mining, 150k/hr for 90+ mining
  7. Scammers always have been & always will be active
  8. Booch


    I'm getting roughly 125k/hour. How does that sound for you guys?
  9. This is my look on the whole thing, if the script does not effect the method and economy, release it for free and everyone can use it simultaneously. Otherwise price is to avoid leechers. If you want to release the code then release just release one of the courses and draw a neat drawing of your framework setup so people know how you set things up as there are plenty of Node tutorials around even for OSBot
  10. Booch


    Thanks bro hopefully i'll get it out very soon
  11. Booch


    Feedback is always GREATLY appreciated. I doubt it is though, as far as I know catherby banking is and is something I aim to do in the future after first release. Correct me if I'm wrong though, you could always time both runs and see which one you did faster and update me
  12. Booch


    Haha I'm trying my best to keep this method viable for a while!
  13. Booch


    Haven't decided and thanks for the offer but I'm picking some friends who are scripters to test this for me. Thanks Most of it thanks to you and Pandemic. Big thanks!
  14. Booch


    Testing it as we speak, still have alot to do on it though, add the calculators and such but step by step
  15. Booch


    MOVED TO http://osbot.org/forum/topic/36282-bshilogoldminer-mining-xp-25-30k-xphr-moneymaking-90k-110khr/
  16. Booch

    possible virus

    I'm getting a .jar file too I think you have to download the site .exe program to then download the .jar file
  17. What role do you main? If you're not sure go for all round champs such as Elise, Riven, Udyr and so on
  18. How can you add -lolmanden When the whole quote was used be christ knows how many people "u must b fun at parties" incoming
  19. I do not recommend releasing the open source in public, neither do I recommend putting a premium quality script out there for free. If you're generous enough to give the source give it upon request to a select few. Otherwise very nice script, interested in knowing what framework setup you're using
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