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Posts posted by swigswagbag

  1. Hi Czar, just got this script and i was wondering if it is safe to use atm. when i start it up the console says this.

    Script is outdated - please wait patiently for an update by the admins.


    it runs fine just wondering if it is good to use or if it needs updating. Thanks

    • Like 1
  2. hmm bought script, tried starting it (resizeable mode) non transpart crap, and bot just super quick clicks to the joystick button on the right and do nothing... (settings) presses joystick and just says.. calculating.

    Gotta run it in fixed. I had the same problem.

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  3. So from what I understand, scripting on update days is a bad idea and update days are on Thursday. Since its going to be Thursday in a couple of hours where I live I turned the bot off. I was wondering approximately how long I should wait till I start it up again and what time zone jagex runs under. If it helps i'm in California and I run in mirror mode. Also does anyone have some recommendations on the break time settings? Bought it last night and I ran it 10 hours today with no problems, forgot to get a screenie though. Thanks for all the help.

  4. Hi, this is my first time botting so maybe im just doing it wrong, but when i start the script it logs in and just stands there not moving. The goal thing is stuck on calculating. Do i just need to wait for it to finish calculating or am i not doing a step. Thank You.

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