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w22 last won the day on November 2 2013

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  1. I use logitech g510s, and corsair k95 rgb, logitech is a cheaper quieter more practical keyboard. That is one I would recommend.
  2. Yeah im assuming zinc will pay back his sites uncashed chips, but i noticed basicly everything on his current webpage is just fake buttons and only there for looks, but doesn't mean much.
  3. Joopi did pay me out about 200m after his site was removed, but thats just me. @Officiialswag--Yeah imo all these new sites are fly by nights and i wouldn't trust them with a dime. Even the established name of Cora is fumbling the fuck out of trying to run one of these sites so no I wouldnt trust any of these newer randomers with any reall amount of money. That being said poker is a fun game and all these random sites have created tons of free games so theres something to grind your time against if your into that kind of stuff.
  4. Arctic

    Could you please vouch my thread and leave feedback?

  5. Froze after opening third tab, with 2 bots already running,. Just reporting errors.
  6. Sorry, I have no idea where to post this so move it if needed. I canceled sxsnape script and super tutorial island script months ago. I just noticed today that ive been getting charged for them monthly still. How do i go about getting my money back and making sure the scripts are really canceled. I know I correctly canceled them awhile ago and there is no cancel button when I go into my purchases so I dont know what to do.
  7. I already corrected myself, idk how to change title.
  8. I just cant believe the administrators of this site haven't seemed to acknowledge that there is even a problem.
  9. If you would have read whole thread you would have noticed i corrected this from mods to devs, and as far as profanity goes, sure got this thread alot of attention.( which is what we need), but not by mods, someone who actually knows whats going on. As far as posting this in feedback it is a bug that needs to be fixed and theres alot of people posting here. I am just trying to create a general feelikng of discontent around the way this issue is being handled. And if your only reaction is to laugh at the problems of the the community that you are trying to maintain, then you are not helping matters any more than you think I am.
  10. Ok do i said mods not devs in title, get over the wording. And i could care less what they do to my account tat this point because it is completely useless and as far as I know it will never be fixed. SO why would I care to at a site like this if all the products i bought from them are broken. Say you were to buy a new xbox you take it home plug it up and it doesn't work. You taking it back to the place you bought it from and when you get there there is only one a clerk (mod) and he doesn't know what to do about it, and says the manager(dev) will be back in...ummm..well..they drop in from time to time to pick up their paychecks..so good lcuk with that and enjoy your broken xbox.
  11. +1 agree with you man, it's not fair on people who pay for this service. But is making threads like this going to do/change anything? I think not,.. So what is there we can do but wait? No you are wrong. The way capitalism is there's always completion. So if you make it public knowledge that a site has problems and their product does not work it will negatively effect them and they might just start to do the work we are paying them to do. At the moment I'm posting flames about this on, Sythe, Advertising other bots isn't allowed., and p****bot about how much osbots been fumbling. A consumers only weapon is bad reviews in this case.
  12. fuck you, random ass noob that doens't know the difference between a mod and a developer. Dat troll
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