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  1. Ziqo

    NMZ host question?

    looks like i can host mtd then ok thanks man i appreciate it.
  2. Ziqo

    NMZ host question?

    is that MTD or wah i'm new to this nmz minigame :P these are the quest's i have done vampire slayer fight arena lost city mountain daughter tree gnome village so that's MTD host right?
  3. Ziqo

    NMZ host question?

    well i take that as you don't know (spam post)
  4. what are the requirements to host MTD and demon host ?
  5. ban meter is half way (green) so if i bot and get caught i won't get perm'd? (botting combat)
  6. good-luck, looking nice Czar has any one ever been banned using your payed scripts (human like?)
  7. thanks for the replys guys i'm going to play legit. (try)
  8. Back after a long break from runescape. i want to get back into botting for personal use only my question is can you get banned for botting on one account while playing legit on my main account if so whats the chances of getting caught. thanks. Ziqo
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