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Uchiha Sasuke

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Posts posted by Uchiha Sasuke

  1. Just use autotalker and autoklicker same time.


    Step 1: Add text on Autotalker and activate it!

    Step2: Activate autoklicker and klick dange emote


    Im genius.

    How do you trade when someone does give money?

  2. Cute doge.


    i would rip off one of my balls then drag my ass through a tube of broken glass just so my  great great great great great great great great great great grand daughter can smell that doge.

    The hell did I just read..

  3. I feel like anything can be detected. 


    No program is just going to be so perfect that you can't be banned from using it.

    Jagex always finds a way and then botters counter. It's just a cycle.

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